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Hello Patrons

This podcast is the one you didn't want to see and I didn't want to make, but sadly here it is anyway.

Due to the amount of work I have to do at present, not including writing and podcasting new episodes, I'm going to have to go back on a U&F podcast hiatus. I give you the details in the episode, but it basically boils down to the fact that this other work just needs to be done, badly, and now, and it requires my full and undivided attention.

This hiatus won't be baled out on after a couple of months (like the last one), I'll be sticking to it for at least six months so I can get U&F Underground edited, finished, and published as both an ebook and audiobook. Then I need to get Legion written out in first draft, so I can make it the best novel it possibly can be, and a fitting finale to the Underwood and David series. And then, once those things are all in the bag, I can resume podcasting Legion here. And it'll be worth it, believe me (I know what happens).

I do apologise for this, it's not what I want, and I know it's not what you want, but it is just an unavoidable part of the (good) novel creation process. I hope you understand. 

p.s. I repeat myself a bit in the podcast. I would have edited and rerecorded it, but I wanted to get this episode up today so you can absorb the news and decide whether or not you want to lower your pledge, or cancel it, before the end of the month. I hope you don't, but I completely understand if you feel you do.



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