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We return to Legion, and indeed, to Blood and Smoke. I completely forgot to provide a recap of where we were in Blood and Smoke when I was doing the  intro, but Underwood and Flinch kind of do that for us in the episode, because if you were reading the book, there wouldn't be an episode intro to listen to.

But you remember, don't you? Underwood blew up Verlaine's ship, and when he returned to the ship he'd hired to take him to America, the crew, who had seen what he'd done, were ready to turn on him. He scared them all by saying he was Vampaia, God of Death, and they basically surrendered to him. Only problem was, Matthias also had reason to wonder if Underwood wasn't, in fact, telling the truth, after sharks set about the survivors of Verlaine's ship and Underwood refused to go back and pick them up. What a monster, right? Would you want to hang around with him? No, and nor did Matthias, and that's where he takes up the story.

Sanguivita, anyone?



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