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Hello Patrons

First off, my apologies for what was a tumbleweeds month of April as far as my output goes. I’ve been working on writing and recording the chapter I’m going to release later today for most of the month, so I’d be deeply grateful if we could just pretend there were 31 days in April and not 30.

The podcast is an hour long, and it’s the first episode of a parallel novel to U&F: Legion.

It’s called U&F: Still of the Night and it’s a direct continuation of U&F Underground, but set in London and taking up the still very live wires of that story. I don’t want to post any spoilers for those who haven’t yet finished Underground, but I can say that certain matters - and people - are still there; matters that need to be explored, and people whose stories need to be told. 

Essentially, at the end of Underground, our story forked into two paths. Legion follows one path, and Still of the Night (concurrently) follows the other. So they’re like two plots of one very big novel - or indeed “saga”. And just like two plots of the same novel (neither plot is minor enough to be considered a sub-plot”), events in each will impact events in the other, which is why I’ve decided to tell this story now and not wait till Legion is finished.

The first episode of Still of the Night answers many of the questions that may linger with you from the ending of Underground, because in it, I take a perspective that I couldn’t take in Underground. So this meant the writing of this chapter wasn’t just me ploughing forward into new story content, but going back over, and getting into the weeds behind, events in Underground. I had to write the conversations that you never heard, see the things that went on from perspectives you never saw, and check the timelines over and over again to make sure everything ties up perfectly. The result is, I hope, a kind of epilogue for Underground, but also a prologue that sets up events in Still of the Night. It’s a stepping stone between both those books, and also for things to come later in Legion. 

And that’s why this one took a long time to get right. But I think I’ve cracked it.

So stick around, my friends. Still of the Night Episode One will be with you later today. And I’ll  be back in your ears in more podcasts at all pledge levels in May.

Stay safe, and keep washing those hands :-)



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