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Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say sorry for the lack of content this month, but as people at the $3+ levels will know, things got kind of knocked sideways when my father in law passed away a few weeks back, so the usual schedule was disrupted - as you can imagine. But anyway, things here are settling down back to normal again and I've got the next episode of the Dracula podcast ready. All it needs is the final listen through and I'll be able to release it in the next couple of days. The same goes for the final draft of the written text of U&F 60. I need to do a listen through to the podcast release and make sure any changes I made during the recording are reflected in the final text release. I'll get that done tomorrow and have it with you before Monday.
Thanks for your patience. Normal service will be resumed in February, including the U&F Q&A, and - hopefully - U&F4 Episode One. Not 100% on that last one, but I'm cautiously optimistic.


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