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Tired of wanting to go back and re-listen to a certain bit of U&F Underground but not knowing whereabouts it is? I have just the thing you need (as requested by your fellow patron, Lisa). 

I've set up a secret web page at my website on which I've published a brief description of the distinguishing events of each episode. Needless to say, if you are not up to date on the podcast then DON'T LOOK AT IT!! SPOILERS EVERYWHERE!!!

I would have put it here at Patreon, but you know how posts eventually become as hard to find as the old episodes themselves. This way the webpage will always be only a click away. Just be sure and save it to your Favourites or Bookmarks or whatever word your web browser uses for your saved web addresses.

It's here: https://www.mikebennettauthor.com/p/ufu-eg.html

And again, if you're not up to date, STAY AWAY - SPOILERS!!!!!!


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