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Ahoy there! Just an update to allay fears that I've dropped dead or something. I have had a minor health adventure. Nothing serious, but could have been had I not got it diagnosed. I was getting weird dizzy spells. Turns out it's hypertension. I tried to get it under control on my own (exercise, diet, etc) but that failed, so I gave in and took took the meds. Now all is well.

Meanwhile, on the writing front, I got into a writer's block dilemma after UFU 31 in attempting an abridged version of a certain character's story (name withheld for the benefit of newcomers, but I said who it was going to be at the end of Episode 31). I was trying to tell the whole story in flashback rather than set it all out as it happened. However, after numerous attempts, I realised it couldn't be satisfactorily abridged and had to be told in full. At which point, feeling burnt out, I felt I needed a head break to let things mulch for a while and took some time out.

When I resumed work, I put aside the above plot line (for the moment) and instead continued with a different thread of the story. Can't say who the main character is by name, but he was last seen talking to David in an underground tunnel. This will be the content of UFU Episode 32, which is, I'm happy to say, almost done. I'm currently editing the audio of the podcast - a process which involves me listening to various different takes of me reading the same lines over and over, and trying to decide which one sounds best. I'm afraid these days I never just read something once whenever a bit of acting is called for; I do it repeatedly until I think I get it right ... but often the last take isn't the best one, and sometimes none of them are, and I have to do it again. And again. Some might say it's fussy, unnecessary, perfectionist, etc, some others might say it's just plain mental. My wife says all the takes sound the same, and she's probably right ...... probably.

But anyway, I'm rambling and it's getting very late here. Time for bed. Thank you for your patience. The waiting is almost over.



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