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The Minimalists talk about free stuff, the all-or-nothing mentality, anxiety and employment instability, letting go of excess clothing, the balance between holding on and letting go, educating the next generation, how to opt out of the rat race, and much more.

Discussed in this episode:

How can I say no to all the freebies my employer keeps trying to give me? (01:38)

How can I overcome my all-or-nothing mentality? (13:32)

What do I do if I feel deep despair about my life situation? (25:40)

When is it appropriate to hold on to clothes? (48:05)

How can parents decide how much of their children’s stuff to hold on to? (55:14)

How do we teach the next generation contentment, worth, and moderation? (01:05:06)

What can I do to stay out of the stuff rat race? (01:19:10)

How can I stop holding on to just-in-case items? (01:36:10)

What do we do when we have two “hell yeses” at the same time? (01:45:15)

Is Halloween quietly the most consumerist holiday of all? (01:51:37)

Are you using your phone, or is your phone using you? (01:57:38)

Are you filling your time with your value or with meaningful pursuits? (02:08:15)

What’s the connection between tire pressure and productivity? (01:28:40)

Why do we love the view from this Patron’s bedroom window? (01:39:44)

Why did a cowardly podcaster decide to “deplatform” us? (02:42:30)


Added Value: Noah Gundersen, “If This Is the End”

Book: 16 Rules for Living with Less

Book: As a Decade Fades

Book: Hell Yeah or No

Essay: On Tire Pressure and Productivity

Essay: How to Start a Blog

Essay: How to Understand Your Values

Hotline: 988LifeLine.org

Subscribe: The Minimalists' Newsletter

Watch: How to Make Money Blogging

Watch: The Minimalists' YouTube channel


Consumerism loses its leverage the moment you realize you already have everything you need.

Freebies are never free: you pay for free stuff with your energy, time, and attention.

Doing everything all the time leaves no room for doing nothing.

To be or to do? That is the question.

Suffering fogs the mirror of reality.

Hold on if it confers more benefits than letting go.

Your possessions do not create who you are, but they can get in the way of your essence.

You cannot teach a bird how to be content; its default state is contentment.

The best way to escape the rat race is to cease being a rat.

The person who wins the rat race, slowly mutates into a rabies-infected rodent during the competition.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter



Scha Scha

I just gotta say… Malabama (i hope I spelled that correctly) … she has the best laugh ever! I listen to the podcasts daily. I listen to it while I am driving to appointments, while I’m walking the dogs, while I am at the gym, while I am declutterring… . Her laugh makes me laugh every time. It’s pure. I love it.

Eleanor Birch

The bonus discussion was 👌🏼 it also perfectly answered many people’s comments from last week’s episode, where they were upset about his beliefs or philosophy. As you mentioned, just because you have him on, it doesn’t mean you endorse his way of living. Additionally, I think it would be so sad not to have someone on simply because he said he believed in God and that was part of how he approached things, just as much as I would hate for you not to have someone on for any other belief or non-belief way of thinking. Thank you, all of The Minimalists, for continually being willing to put any and all of us into an uncomfortable mindset for a moment so that we can grow.