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The Minimalists speak with author and traveler Light Watkins about traveling with less, letting go of assumptions and other distractions while traveling, packing lightly with children, enjoying the experience of traveling alone, creating a packing checklist, deciding what is essential for you versus essential for someone else, and more.

Discussed in this episode:

How can I let go of my assumptions, prejudices, and expectations while traveling? (01:35)

How can I pack lightly with two young children? (19:18)

How can I balance packing for comfort and practicality when traveling? (28:55)

How do people enjoy traveling alone? (38:30)

What’s the best way to pack for unpredictable weather? (44:58)

Why does Joshua travel with a grounding mat? (49:13)

Should I give my kids the choice about what they do with their stuff? (01:11:18)

How do you manage anxiety that you have despite knowing worrying isn’t necessary? (01:19:08)

Why does the thought of decluttering make me feel afraid of being alone? (01:25:25)

What are Joshua's thoughts on what it means to be embarrassed? (01:29:20)

Why do we often reduce ourselves to the logos on our clothing? (01:40:12)

Are coupons advertisements? (01:43:43)

What are The Minimalists' thoughts on the Yankees' new uniform patches? (01:48:24)

Why does Professor Shawn own so many pens? (01:55:23)


Added Value: Earthing.com

Added Value: Post Malone, “Laugh It Off”

Added Value: Sleep Mask

Article: Yankees to Add Corporate Sponsorship Patch to Game-Day Uniforms

Book: Travel Light

Course: How to Write Better

Podcast: The Light Watkins Show

Podcast: Patterson in Pursuit

Podcast: Sam Harris

Subscribe: The Minimalists' Newsletter


Clutter is anything that distracts us from living fully.

The things you think you need clutter the life you want.

Excess possessions weigh us down, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually.

Aloneness and loneliness don’t have to hold hands in the same room.

“Just in case” are the three most dangerous words you can utter when packing for a vacation.

A good checklist tells you what to avoid as much as it instructs you on what to include.

What is essential for one person in one context might be junk for another person in a different context.

Other people’s possessions are only your responsibility if you accept them as your responsibility.

You can’t teach someone how to let go unless you’re willing to let them learn what it really means to hang on.

Letting go is not something you do—it is something you stop doing.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter



Liz de Nesnera

When I was in college, before the age of laptops 😄 I took all of my notes with a fountain pen. I found out very quickly that I'd never lose a pen, because whenever someone asked me to borrow my pen, and I handed them the fountain pen, they would get this confused look on their face because they didn't know how to write with it!


Just getting around to watching the program. Thank you very much for including my question and for your answers, which I'm impressed with and inspired by. Food for thought for sure. Light has a very pleasant vibe about him and had very interesting insights to share. I appreciate all of you!