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The Minimalists talk about the diminishing returns of owning too much, dealing with paper clutter, letting go of relationships, applying minimalism to the workplace, obligatory gift-giving, reacting to negative thoughts, and much more!

Discussed in this episode:

Should we make checklists of items we need to support our hobbies? (012:04)

How can I manage anxiety caused by my partner’s paper clutter? (25:00)

What observations do you have for someone who wants their partner to be happy, even as they transition out of the relationship? And how do you let go of an identity that no longer serves you? (38:18)

Is an unwillingness to go all-in on something a sign that it isn’t important to you? (49:12)

How can we apply minimalism to the workplace? (54:31)

How do I avoid obligations around gift-giving? (01:00:39)

How do we redirect negative thoughts that come up when we look at possessions that are holding us back? (01:07:35)

How can I get over my fear that my digital files might get lost in the cloud so that I can reduce paper clutter? (01:31:49)

How do I let go of the fear that someday I may no longer be able to afford the lifestyle I currently enjoy? (01:35:03)

How can we create redundancy when backing up digital files? (01:40:36)


Added Value: Chimp Empire

Added Value: Paper Shredder

Added Value: Photo Scanner

Added Value: Sleep Mask

Article: Best Photo-Scanning Services

Article: A System for Document Clutter

Documentary: Minimalism

Podcast: Hidden Clutter

Podcast: Paper Clutter

Subscribe: The Minimalists' Newsletter

Website: 1DollarScan 


There are no shoulds, but there are infinite coulds.

If it gets in the way, it’s clutter.

If your home is being invaded, you cease to worry about doing the dishes.

To simplify is to create room for what matters.

A gift turns into a curse when it becomes an obligation.

Negative reactions to negative thoughts produce negative results.

Positive thoughts are the source of—not the antidote to—negative thoughts.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Jordan Know Moore

Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter



Heather Ann

Whenever I think of purchasing an item, I always remember what you've taught - that the cost of owning an item is more than just the original purchase price! Thinking about caring for the thing . . . moving the thing . . . cleaning the thing . . . often makes me pause and not even buy it! This alone has definitely altered how I look at every purchase. Thanks for all you do! Many blessings.


Anyone else keep scrolling past this seeing Hubby Clutter? Just me? Carry on… 🫣