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The Minimalists talk about healing from shopping addiction, being used by family, getting bothered by others, putting possessions in storage, the ethics of the sharing economy, moderating information consumption, avoiding shame while downsizing, the problem with storage bins, why hidden clutter is the most toxic form of clutter, and more!

Discussed in this episode:

How can I heal from shopping addiction and emotional abuse? (13:46)

What are The Minimalists’ views on the ethics of using sharing-economy services like Uber and AirBnB? (27:49)

How can I discern between items I’ll need for the future and items I can let go now? (46:22)

Is listening to podcasts at 2x speed an example of information consumerism? (50:23)

How can we avoid shame from others while downsizing? (56:49)

Is Joshua really a minimalist if he lives in a separate annex from his main home? (01:02:34)

Can we live minimally and still store items? (01:06:44)

Why is hidden clutter the most toxic form of clutter? (01:10:54)

What makes a supportive partner? (01:14:50)

Now that Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things is available for free on YouTube, will the bonus content still be available for purchase? (01:28:11)

How does the death of a parent affect one’s identity? (01:30:12)

Was today a good day or a bad day? (01:38:59)

What do you do when you have second thoughts about letting an item go? (01:53:29)


Article: Digital Tech Review

Book: Love People, Use Things

Documentary: The Bleeding Edge

Documentary: Minimalism

Podcast: The Millennial Minimalists

Resources: The Minimalists' Free Resource Page

Subscribe: The Minimalists' Newsletter

Tweet: Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman

Website: The Daily Stoic

Website: JustTheRecipe.com

Website: Minimalism Life

Website: MinimalismFilm.com


Love people and use things, because the opposite never works.

Elastic boundaries work better than steel boundaries.

If you look for reasons to be bothered, you will find them—guaranteed.

Access is greater than ownership.

Judgment is a mirror that reflects the desires of the judge.

Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things so we can make room for life’s most important things.

The easiest way to organize your stuff is to get rid of most of it.

The stuff that is out of sight is not out of mind—it takes up space in the back of your psyche.

Beware the friend who can never say "you're not okay."

It’s offensive to get offended on behalf of people who are not offended.

If you think love is risky, just wait until you find out how risky it is to avoid love.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Jordan Know Moore

Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter



Louise Chappelle Nabers

Last night I got a clear picture of the difference between “just in case” & “just for when”. My husband was up in the mountains with friends and no cell phone service. They got stuck and were out all night…after very little sleep, calling 911, and checking the local hospitals, it was clear to me we need a satellite phone!! We are moving to the mountains and it’s a safety issue…”just for when”. 😉

Magri-jade Raw

Guys! I'm a detox coach, he sounds like he needs to do a juice fast and clean up (minimalise) the food heal the guts. Xx