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The Minimalists talk about reducing digital clutter and whether “the cloud” is damaging the planet, flying first class and staying in luxury accommodations, OCD, addiction and spirituality, how to let go of attachment to things, guilt and donating books, and much more!

Discussed in this episode:

How detrimental to the planet is our use of “cloud” storage? (03:47)

What do you consider “adding value”? (09:21)

How do we create environmental awareness without “doom and gloom”? (13:10)

What are your opinions regarding first-class service options? (18:00)

What is your definition of “consumerism”? (18:39)

How do we deal with loved ones who don’t keep our shared spaces as neat and orderly as we’d like? (28:18)

What does the acronym “TARA” represent? (36:01)

How can spirituality help with addiction recovery? (39:12)

Why do we get so attached to things, and how can we stop? (48:13)

How do we relax and enjoy life without worrying about the next possible crisis? (54:30)

What do you consider the differences between satisfaction and pleasure? (56:48)

What is Jed McKenna’s thought experiment? (57:43)

How do we donate books without guilt? (1:05:02)

Segment: Lightning Round (1:13:46)

What can we do with old clothes that aren’t suitable for donation? (1:14:16)

Segment: Right Here, Right Now (1:20:18)

Why do we participate in so many pursuits that don’t truly matter to us, and why do we feel compelled to do so? (1:26:38)

Listener comments and minimalism tips. (1:31:36)

How do we help loved ones who are resistant to assistance? (1:33:18)

Segment: Talkaboutables (1:37:52)

What’s happening with Podcast Shawn? (1:49:15)

What book would each of you recommend that you’ve found most impactful? (1:52:23)

Segment: Sucky Ad (1:54:57)

Segment: Minimalist Home Tour (2:02:06)

How do we deal with the urge to purchase new items based on aesthetics alone? (2:04:35)

Segments: More About Less & Added Value (2:09:58)


Article: 5 Ways to Use Old Clothes

Article: 25 Places to Recycle Old Clothes

Article: Ad-Supported TVs

Book: Earthing

Book: How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

Book: How to Be Here

Book: The Path of Least Resistance

Book: The Power of Now

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Book: Spiritual Enlightenment

Book: Spiritual Warfare

Book: Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment

Book: Total Money Makeover

Course: Simplify Everything

Essay: A Few Book Recommendations

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Podcast: Hidden Clutter

Podcast: Dr. John Delony

Podcast: Peter Rollins

Podcast: Podcast Shawn

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Wallpapers: The Minimalists

Website: Podcast Shawn


Digital clutter accumulates whenever technology gets in the way of living.

Running on the hedonic treadmill does not take you as far as a simple walk.

Peace is located at the intersection of obsession and acceptance.

The path to misery is cobbled with addition; the path to peace is uncovered with subtraction.

To let go, you needn’t do anything, except stop clinging.

Good and bad emotions exist only in the cluttered head of the beholder.

To live with less, one must understand the difference between essential details and clutter

There is no honor in clinging to things that no longer add value to your life.

The most sustainable item is the one that is left on the shelf.

Perhaps your clutter is the solution to someone else’s problem.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Podcast Shawn

Social Jess

Jordan Know Moore

Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter




I enjoyed this episode immensely. I’m listening to it again after have just recently finished it. Planning on picking up several of the books discussed in the episode. I’m especially intrigued by the enlightenment trilogy that Josh read from. Huge thanks to you all!


I enjoyed this episode so much. You guys word things so profoundly and easy to understand. I’m listening in the UK, want to say a huge thank you 🙏. I find immense value in your views & your podcast. You’ve helped me to balance my opinions, question my beliefs and intern find more value in my relationships. To the whole team I really appreciate your work and time ✨


Man! I bought the "Jed Books," on a whim ( tsk tsk bad minimalist, lol). Life changing for me! I am both more "awake" and more pissed and confused now. I love it. 🤘