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Title: The Book Diet

Description: JFM's limited book collection inside his home office.

We'll discuss on episode 375.



Ryan Jacobson

I own 5 hardcover books and 3 physical cookbooks. The rest is digital. But I did change from mostly digital planners to 2 physical planners and a notebook. The kids each have 4 ikea cubes (one 4cube unit) worth of books and are encouraged to use the library. They’re allowed 5 books at a time when we visit. That’s 15 books for my 3 kids. So, we MUST keep these policies in place or we’d drown in books. We have before. Donated 8 ikea bags full of kids books alone last year. Try to live near a library. It’s very helpful if you can.

Nick Stein

Love this photo, thanks for sharing. I have discovered the peaceful productivity of a minimal office as well...