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We don't need to wait till tomorrow to tell you this: we are thankful for you. Today and every day.

Your patronage allows us—and our team—to produce meaningful creations that support people who are healing their relationship with stuff. 

We're 12 years in, and yet we're just getting started!

With love and gratitude,

–Joshua, Ryan, & T.K.

P.S. Here's a sneak peak at our new Private Podcast cover art. T.K. is a great addition to the lineup, isn't he?! (Big thanks to Danny Unknwn for the photo, Dave at Spyr for design.)




Thank you for the 12 years of hard work. I found you guys on year 5 ( through Joshua Beckers work) and it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.


I grew up in a hoarding home and always swore to myself that when I moved out, I was going to be a minimalist! Of course, back then - 25 years ago - I thought of minimalism as having just the basics and a couple of personal items, nothing more. Then I moved out and sadly, the hoarding mindset came with me, and has worsened exponentially since. Not long ago, I actually had a mental breakdown over how it had taken over and severely damaged my and my partner's lives. We just decided we are moving into a place we originally bought and fully furnished as an investment property, but had been basically storage "in the mean time" and because we were furnishing this big house for vacation rental, it's already got a lot of stuff there. Add the storage stuff (overflow from our smaller, full-to-the-brim home), and thinking about the reality of the situation BROKE me. In my lowest point, I decided that it's long past time I let go of the STUFF that binds me, that weighs me down, that anchors me and my life from soaring to the heights I know I'm capable of achieving. Over the last few weeks, I've watched sooooo many of your YouTube videos, and they really resonated with my soul. I chuckled thinking about my view of minimalism back when I was a youngling, and really like the way you guys put what I've (actually) longed for in my life into simple terms. I've overcomplicated everything in my life, diluting my own actual aspirations and values with a massive accumulation of material possessions in an effort to assure myself that I'm safe and secure now, but it has had fully the opposite than intended effect. Last night, I sat down and listed out what values I have surrounding what I want in my car, home, and life. Then I started with my car and asked myself what I want that to present as in these areas. Admittedly, I only got as far as my car before I drifted off to sleep, but I was able to visualize what was important to me to have there and why, and it was a very different vision than what I have now. It's really quite inspiring, and I'm grateful I heard you guys talking about it, inspiring me to do it! I even look forward to continuing work on it today! While I've known about Patreon since it began, I've never been inspired to use it, even for content creators whose stuff I really enjoy. But in a time when I'm going through huge changes in my life and needing guidance on how to simplify and bring more meaning to said life, coming back across you guys after years was, I believe, universal timing. I actually created a Patreon account just to support y'all, because I feel like I really get value from your YouTube channel, so the idea of getting even more value and support while making a monetary contribution I can actually afford toward something I really vibe with feels very right. Thank you guys so much for what you do! ❤️