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It has been roughly 10 episodes since we started using Patreon's native video player for the video version of our private podcasts (instead of private YouTube links). It's been a great experiment, and now it's time to decide the best path forward—the path that provides the best experience for our private-podcast viewers.

Pros: Switching to Patreon's video player has allowed us to play music and other copyrighted materials on our private-podcast videos (which isn't permitted on YouTube). We've also discovered that Patreon's video quality is superior (they don't compress videos like YouTube). Plus, Patreon videos work seamlessly within the Patreon app and allow us to create a preview trailer for potential future patrons.

Cons: However, Patreon videos don't contain transcripts or closed captions for hearing-impaired people. And the Patreon video player does not allow the end user to click on a timestamp and jump to that section. Plus, a few viewers have mentioned that it's more difficult to play Patreon videos on their televisions (although you can easily screen mirror).

Thus, we'd like your feedback. After weighting these pros and cons, would you like us to stick with Patreon's native video player, or revert to private YouTube links?


JFM (on behalf of Jordan Know Moore)


Ianina Zubowicz

YouTube! Late here but videos on Patreon never fully download so I end up just listening.

Sam C.

I am a bit late to this message, but I prefer YouTube - it has more video control features that allow me to control speed, quality and captions easier, but it also allowed me to come back to it easier on different devices including my Apple TV. I also miss having the video sections that allow me to find where I left off or a section I would like to focus on.