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Patreon Exclusive. The Minimalists talk with professional organizer Dr. Julia Raz about the slew of spaces we hide the “dead” things we no longer find valuable, and they answer the following questions:

Why does Dr. Raz not recommend her clients prioritize selling unwanted items? (03:05)

What is Joshua’s process for decluttering? (05:47)

Why is the ‘why’ so crucial to decluttering? (10:14)

How do we tactfully tell loved ones we don’t want their stuff? (17:12)

How do we resist the urge to fill built-in storage spaces? (24:03)

Where does clutter tend to congregate? (27:27)

How do we set appropriate boundaries regarding storage in common areas? (28:51)

How long should we save paper documents, and how should we store them? (32:13)

How do I prevent unnecessary items from entering my home? (39:35)

What are the most economical methods for home organization? (42:54)

How can storage bins be helpful in decluttering? (47:51)

How realistic are reality shows on hoarding? (50:00)

How do the tidy live peacefully with the untidy? (57:27)

How do we still help loved ones with decluttering when we’re unavailable to assist them? (1:07:58)


App: Every Dollar

App: Paper Karma

Article: 7 Decluttering Tips

Book: Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Instagram: Golden West Organizing

Podcast: Hoarders

Podcast: How to Love

Podcast: Paper Clutter

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Watch: Signs You're a Hoarder 

Website: Buy Nothing

Website: Golden West Organizing

Website: Dr. Julia Raz


“If everything is precious, then nothing is precious.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“We must empty our spaces to imagine them anew.” —Dr. Julia Raz

“Organizing is not the solution; organizing is the problem.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“We’re not upset with others; we're upset with our expectations of others.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Systems don’t create habits—actions do.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“Not bringing a thing into our life is letting go of it in advance.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Understanding the ‘why’ compels us to take the appropriate actions.” —Joshua Fields Millburn


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Podcast Shawn

Social Jess

Jordan Know Moore

Emma the Immigrant

Danny Unknwn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 350.


Private Podcast | “Consumer Mausoleums”

The Minimalists talk with professional organizer Dr. Julia Raz about the slew of spaces we hide the “dead” things we no longer find valuable, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 Why does Dr. Raz not recommend her clients prioritize selling unwanted items? 05:47 What is Joshua’s process for decluttering? 10:14 Why is the ‘why’ so crucial to decluttering? 17:12 How do we tactfully tell loved ones we don’t want their stuff? 24:03 How do we resist the urge to fill built-in storage spaces? 27:27 Where does clutter tend to congregate? 28:51 How do we set appropriate boundaries regarding storage in common areas? 32:13 How long should we save paper documents, and how should we store them? 39:35 How do I prevent unnecessary items from entering my home? 42:54 What are the most economical methods for home organization? 47:51 How can storage bins be helpful in decluttering? 50:00 How realistic are reality shows on hoarding? 57:27 How do the tidy live peacefully with the untidy? 1:07:58 How do we still help loved ones with decluttering when we’re unavailable to assist them?


Tatiana Cordoba

I enjoyed this episode so much. I hope Dr. Julia Raz gets invited again. Her advice was great, and I loved her approach to her clients. This episode was beneficial to me. At some point, she mentions that if you find yourself constantly organizing or having to create new systems to organize your stuff, it is because you still have too much. As someone who struggles with chaos and disorganization, this has helped me to let go of objects that have been hard for me to let go of in the past. Having less stuff makes me feel less chaotic and makes things much easier to organize.