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Patreon Exclusive. The Minimalists speak with writer Jeff Goins about developing our creativity, and they answer the following questions:

How do we make room in our life for meaningful pursuits? (01:55)

How do I determine which creative pursuit is appropriate for me? (05:57)

Can creatives be stubborn simultaneously on vision and details? (10:06)

How do we give our creative pursuits their due focus while still holding a job to pay the bills? (14:00)

Do hours invested correlate with projects produced? (17:04)

Is it wrong for artists to obsess over a creation for a prolonged period of time? (22:58)

How do I quell my perfectionism to free my creativity? (27:25)

Is perfectionism truly an unattainable ideal? (31:48)

How do we know when a creative project is complete? (39:48)

How do I fit creativity into a busy schedule? (41:58)

How do I become creative if I’m not naturally creative? (53:03)

How do you define “creativity”? (1:03:41)

How do full-time creatives manage the dearth of traditional job benefits? (1:05:12)

How do I prioritize a specific creative pursuit of my many? (1:18:48)


Book: 15 Ways to Write Better

Book: Lumina

Book: On Writing

Book: Real Artists Don’t Starve

Book: The Body Artist

Book: The Memoir Project

Book: The Talent Code

Contribute: Bridging the Financial Literacy Gap

Course: How to Write Better

Essay: Downsize Your Life, Live Your Dream

Event: Sunday Symposium

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Shawn Mihalik

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: Malcolm Gladwell

Resources: The Minimalists

Review: The Minimalists Podcast

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Website: Jeff Goins


“All artists have a secret weapon: stubbornness.” —Jeff Goins

“All art is a conversation with culture.” —Jeff Goins

“Perfectionism is not wanting things to be perfect—perfectionism is having an impossible standard that will always make you miserable doing your work.” —Jeff Goins

“We must let go to move forward.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Happiness comes from the pursuit of greatness.” —Jeff Goins

“Before you can create great art, you must first create yourself.” —Jeff Goins

“Your competition is your contemporaries that share your standards.” —Jeff Goins

“Needing a thing reduces one’s ability to enjoy that thing.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“The artist’s priority is art.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“Don’t promote—practice in public.” —Jeff Goins

“Thinking about creating is creative.” —Jeff Goins

“When you put something of value into the world, people will compensate you for it.” —Ryan Nicodemus

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 346.



Catherine Gruber

Just re-listened to this one: so encouraging! ❤️

Zoey Avraam

As someone exploring a passion project, hoping it will become my main bae so I can quit the corporate life, thank you for this maximal episode! I started to feel the impostor syndrome last week so I found this at the most perfect time!