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Patreon Exclusive. The Minimalists talk about buying most things locally, fifteen minimalist items that add value to their lives, moving out of Los Angeles, and what’s next for Podcast Shawn, and they answer the following questions:

How do we thrive amid chaos? (00:00)

What is an appropriate level of planning? (09:38)

How do we appropriately address emptiness when we feel it? (10:54)

What town did Joshua move to? (19:44)

What are the benefits of buying locally? (21:17)

What is an “unschooling school”? (30:20)

What home goods has Joshua found valuable? (45:11)

How can we exist without the Internet at home in today’s hyperconnected world? (1:06:48)

What three things does Joshua live without at home? (1:07:46)

What are the positives and negatives of renting living spaces on apps? (1:11:22)

What is “sensory processing disorder”? (1:18:42)

What are the pros and cons of nontraditional dwellings? (1:23:54)

How do we acquire the plethora of knowledge required to purchase a house? (1:31:49)

How did Podcast Shawn believe he was going to wind up like Matt Damon? (1:35:48)

How do you know when you’re ready to buy a house, and what options are available for first-time homebuyers? (1:36:36)

Where is Podcast Shawn moving to from L.A.? (1:56:05)


Added Value: Air Purifier

Added Value: Bed Frame

Added Value: Bookcase

Added Value: Coffee Grinder

Added Value: Dining Table

Added Value: Ear Plugs

Added Value: Grounding Mat

Added Value: Hair Dryer

Added Value: Kettle

Added Value: Mattress

Added Value: Paintings

Added Value: Pull-up Bar

Added Value: Sleep Mask

Added Value: Sofa

Added Value: Water Filtration

Added Value: White Noise Machine

Article: How to Thrive in an Unknowable Future

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Contribute: Bridging the Financial Literacy Gap

Course: How to Write Better

Essay: Screenless Saturdays

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Shawn Mihalik

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: How to Love

Podcast: Plat of Zion

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Watch: Apologies to Matt Damon

Website: EWG


“The space between the notes makes the music beautiful.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“What a man is contributes much more to his happiness than what he has or how he is regarded by others.” —Schopenhauer

“The quality of your neighborhood is determined not by home prices, but by the quality of your neighbors.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Ask not what your neighbor can do for you, but what you can do for your neighbor.” —Ryan Nicodemus

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 345.


Private Podcast | “Buying Most Things Locally”

The Minimalists talk about buying most things locally, fifteen minimalist items that add value to their lives, moving out of Los Angeles, and what’s next for Podcast Shawn, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 How do we thrive amid chaos? 09:38 What is an appropriate level of planning? 10:54 How do we appropriately address emptiness when we feel it? 19:44 What town did Joshua move to? 21:17 What are the benefits of buying locally? 30:20 What is an “unschooling school”? 45:11 What home goods has Joshua found valuable? 1:06:48 How can we exist without the Internet at home in today’s hyperconnected world? 1:07:46 What three things does Joshua live without at home? 1:11:22 What are the positives and negatives of renting living spaces on apps? 1:18:42 What is “sensory processing disorder”? 1:23:54 What are the pros and cons of nontraditional dwellings? 1:31:49 How do we acquire the plethora of knowledge required to purchase a house? 1:35:48 How did Podcast Shawn believe he was going to wind up like Matt Damon? 1:36:36 How do you know when you’re ready to buy a house, and what options are available for first-time homebuyers? 1:56:06 Where is Podcast Shawn moving to from L.A.?


Ricardo C Pinzon Jr

I saw some true love in your friendship. Tend to that "garden." Keep that friendship alive! Again, continued success, Shawn! Great episode Team!!