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Patreon Exclusive. The Minimalists talk with T.K. Coleman about the roots of the current divisions in our society, as well as possible remedies, and they answer the following questions:

What was Ryan’s grandmother’s recent concern about him? (00:33)

Who is on T.K.’s “Mount Rushmore of Mikes”? (04:34)

What is your perspective regarding “silence is violence”? (12:18)

Why did The Minimalists vote for two different candidates in the last election, and who were they? (14:49)

How do we maintain harmony in our relationships while still tackling contentious topics? (15:00)

What is “tone policing”? (23:35)

What is “cry bullying”? (23:54)

What is a “thought-terminating cliche”? (24:21)

How do you address people’s concerns about aligning politically with a candidate that they perceive to be diametrically opposed to their way of life? (26:59)

Is it considered a privileged position to choose not to vote if you determine your choice will have no significant impact? (36:48)

What is your viewpoint regarding privilege? (40:37)

What is the opportunity cost of voting? (45:38)

What votes have the most impact on our lives? (48:20)

What do The Minimalists think about the war in Ukraine? (51:38)

Is “selfish” unfairly weaponized? (57:33)

What is the value in reflecting on our own history? (1:03:08)

What are your positions on abortion and Roe v. Wade? (1:04:53)

What is your stance regarding excluding those from conversations when their experience and identification seem irrelevant to the subject? (1:10:39)

Why have you chosen to partner with such a polarizing individual as Dave Ramsey? (1:16:09)

How do you clarify your more controversial takes to assuage your audience members’ concerns? (1:19:15)

How do we engage in thoughtful, productive conversations with people with staunch presumptions? (1:28:40)

What are your thoughts regarding cutting people out of your life that don’t align with you politically? (1:34:34)

Should we avoid discussing sensitive subjects with friends to avoid straining relationships? (1:34:44)

Do you have a threshold of value alignment one must meet to be your friend? (1:34:58)

What is your perspective regarding tolerance? (1:41:58)

What is the difference between organic and inorganic boundaries? (1:44:40)

What is the difference between like and love? (1:48:32)

How do The Minimalists feel about Elon Musk buying Twitter? (1:57:18)

How do you define “free speech”? (2:02:18)

Where do you stand on conspiracy theories? (2:10:56)


Article: Parable of the Chinese Farmer

Attend: The Ramsey Show

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: The Problem of Political Authority

Contribute: Bridging the Financial Literacy Gap

Essay: Off-the-Rack Self-Righteousness

Facebook: T.K. Coleman

Instagram: T.K. Coleman

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: Revolution of 1

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Twitter: T.K. Coleman

Twitter: Jessica Williams

Watch: Create Your Own Roadshow

Watch: Ryan Nicodemus Owns Almost Nothing

Watch: Less Is Now

Website: T.K. Coleman


“Our claims to wisdom must be tested by the time we’re given and the lives we live.” —T.K. Coleman

“At some point there won’t be a ‘next time’—so enjoy ‘this time’ right now.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Life itself is a near-death experience.” —T.K. Coleman

“The world’s richest dead man is still dead.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“We are inadvertently looking down on the people we love whenever we inject self-righteousness into the equation.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“There is no good or bad, there is only cause and effect.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“We allow ourselves to be manipulated because we intend to manipulate: we take the hits we want to dish out.” —T.K. Coleman

“A coercive relationship is not a relationship at all—it’s indentured servitude.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Remove the spaces between notes and music becomes noise.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Being intentional with your resources is always relevant.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“We waste our lives when we’re scared to death of death.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Near-death experiences help us avoid near-life experiences.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Questions pre-packaged with accusations are conversation killers.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Be empirical rather than theoretical in your assessment of results.” —T.K. Coleman

“Love with conditions is not love at all.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Every generation has commonly accepted truths that were a conspiracy to previous generations.” —T.K. Coleman

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 342.



John Sutton

Superb. Expertly done and managed in a respectful way. If only politicians could be like that. I’ve learnt a few things too which will help me deal with the endless Labour vs Conservatives discussions that bore me over here in England

April Melo

Thank you for this in depth discussion, I am grateful for all of your varying perspectives. It especially made me think more about how our current political atmosphere has affected family relationships.