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Patreon Exclusive. The Minimalists talk to earthing expert Clint Ober to discuss the many ways humans have accidentally disconnected from nature, how this disconnection is making us ill, and how to “ground” your way back to health, and they answer the following questions:

How did Clint come upon grounding and become one of its most prominent experts? (01:01)

What is the value of a near-death experience? (13:31)

How can grounding assist with pain management and chronic inflammation? (30:26)

How are man-made EMFs harming us? (42:42)

What causes adrenal fatigue? (46:57)

What is PEMF? (48:30)

What are the benefits of infrared saunas? (56:36)

What is echo therapy? (59:52)

Can we ground on concrete or while wearing socks? (1:00:41)

Why are so many people resistant to grounding? (1:07:39)

Can I ground the flooring of my house so I’m always grounded? (1:11:42)

What is ESD? (1:13:35)


Added Value: Earthing

Book: Earthing

Book: Love People, Use Things

Contribute: Bridging the Financial Literacy Gap

Health: Grounders Footwear

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Watch: Down to Earth

Watch: The Earthing Movie

Website: Clint Ober

Website: The Earthing Institute

Website: Ultimate Longevity


“Grounding isn’t a cure-all, but loss of grounding is a cause-all.” —Clint Ober

“The truth is the truth regardless of our beliefs.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Mainstream media prioritizes your attention over your well-being.” —Ryan Nicodemus

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 340.



Windy Yu

Love that I have extra evidence to justify my lifelong disdain for wearing shoes now. Honestly never liked it, even as a kid, and never "grew out of it" as everyone hoped ;) (unless I'm leaving the neighborhood/floor is potentially hazardous, etc.) Thanks, guys!

Lynn Kelly

I’m purposefully doing this. Is 1 hour more effective than 15 min? Or 30 better than 15? Exactly how long does it take to get all the + to neutralized? 30 sec??????