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Patreon Exclusive. The Minimalists are joined by Dr. John Delony, author of Own Your Past, Change Your Future, to talk about crippling anxiety, the disempowering stories we tell ourselves, and letting go of the “bricks in our backpacks,” and they answer the following questions:

How do we disempower ourselves with stories? (02:59)

Why do we place so much significance on our identity? (05:26)

What are the “bricks in our backpacks”? (08:30)

What is the cure for crippling anxiety? (12:04)

Where does anxiety originate? (12:52)

What are the different types of anxiety, and how can they contribute to unhealthy coping mechanisms? (21:18)

What is problematic regarding our obsession with diagnosis? (22:34)

How do you define trauma? (24:37)

Is it detrimental to us to watch the constant stream of global strife in the news? (28:52)

What is recreational outrage? (33:37)

What is the value in engaging with those that hold beliefs and values contrary to our own? (43:12)

What is the difference between a community and a tribe? (46:52)

What do we stand to lose by becoming an increasingly humorless society? (47:24)

How do I break out of the mindset of transactional-based relationships? (1:02:23)

What is a “thought-terminating cliche”? (1:10:58)

Who are the “do-betters”? (1:10:10)

What is the difference between feedback and criticism? (1:16:30)

What is the “gift of doubt”? (1:19:02)


Attend: The Ramsey Show

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Own Your Past, Change Your Future

Contribute: Bridging the Financial Literacy Gap

Instagram: Dr. John Delony

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: Joshua Becker

Podcast: Love People Use Things—Houston

Podcast: Andrea Montell

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Twitter: Dr. John Delony

Watch: The Tinder Swindler

Watch: Wim Hof

Website: The Dr. John Delony Show


“Don’t look at what you can get from relationships—look at what you can give.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“To love someone is to appreciate them for who they are without trying to change them.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“A perfect job is not a perfect job if it’s making you miserable.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Less isn’t always better, but too much is too much every time.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“It’s hard to be a friend when you are your own worst enemy.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“The only ‘should’ in life is questioning ‘shoulds.’” —Ryan Nicodemus

“Don’t outsource your life.” —Dr. John Delony

“Love isn’t transactional—it’s transcendent.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“We forgive for ourselves—not for others.” —Dr. John Delony

“Giving undue credence to others’ opinions of us is always a recipe for misery.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 338.



Aimee Mulligan

I really enjoyed this episode. I used Dave’s Foundations in Personal finance course along with Love People, Use Things in our homeschool for my high schooler’s personal finance credit. We had so many fantastic discussions. I appreciated what Ryan said about being able to appreciate someone’s talent or art (ie: Kanye West, Dave Ramsey) without having to align with their personal belief systems. Echo chambers make for closed minds and boring company. And the quote from guest Josh about the opposite of faith being certainty. I needed to hear that. Thanks for the episode! Best 5 bucks I spend every month.

O'live Rosales

I loved this episode !! Helps me understand Anxiety and Trauma and how to deal with it and not just fight it constantly. Thank you!