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Patreon Exclusive. The Minimalists discuss a new concept called “Monday Minimalism,” as well as 20 “first step” decluttering ideas, and they answer the following questions:

Where do I start decluttering when I feel so overwhelmed? (01:36)

What is “setting the stage”? (16:09)

What is “Monday Minimalism”? (18:00)

How do we encourage our aging parents to declutter their possessions with us while they still can? (30:13)

What are our legal options regarding the distribution of a loved one’s cremains? (38:05)

How do we tactfully ask loved ones what possessions of ours they’d like when we pass without raising their concern for our welfare? (46:28)

How do we politely decline a loved one’s request to become a caretaker of their collections after they’ve passed? (55:05)

How do I appropriately decline to take over the family business? (55:45)

Do you regret parting with any family heirlooms? (1:02:29)

How do I help a loved one learn to simply let go? (1:06:10)


Article: 20 “First Step” Decluttering Ideas

Attend: The Ramsey Show

Book: Cultish

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Book: The Circle

Book: The Every

Contribute: Bridging the Financial Literacy Gap

Essay: Packing Party

Essay: Play the 30-Day Minimalism Game

Essay: Scared to Death of Death

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: Joshua Becker

Podcast: Circular Economy

Podcast: Expired Things

Podcast: Kitchen Clutter

Podcast: Amanda Montell

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists


“Sometimes we must resort to our last resort to move on with our lives.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“The value is not in the tools—the value is in what we do with the tools.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“The more value you provide to some people, the more you inevitably will offend other people.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“To love someone is to see them for who they are.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Letting go of excess helps us hold on to what’s important.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“We can hold on to things without clinging to things.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“You needn’t own an object to experience it.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“There’s always a ‘why’ behind the ‘what.’” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 337.


Private Podcast | “Monday Minimalism”

The Minimalists discuss a new concept called “Monday Minimalism,” as well as 20 “first step” decluttering ideas, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 Where do I start decluttering when I feel so overwhelmed? 16:09 What is “setting the stage”? 18:00 What is “Monday Minimalism”? 30:13 How do we encourage our aging parents to declutter their possessions with us while they still can? 38:05 What are our legal options regarding the distribution of a loved one’s cremains? 46:28 How do we tactfully ask loved ones what possessions of ours they’d like when we pass without raising their concern for our welfare? 55:05 How do we politely decline a loved one’s request to become a caretaker of their collections after they’ve passed? 55:45 How do I appropriately decline to take over the family business? 1:02:29 Do you regret parting with any family heirlooms? 1:06:10 How do I help a loved one learn to simply let go?


Ricardo C Pinzon Jr

Gentlemen, Another excellent episode. My sister is decluttering our mother's home. It has been a task to say the least. My wife and I continue to deal with her father's possessions since his passing in 2019. Since my wife was an only child, these items were part of her childhood, her memories. After listening to your many podcasts about downsizing and yes, you have mentioned this topic before, I refuse to leave a multitude of possessions for our children to have to sort through. I have no major issues. My wife on the other hand is experiencing more difficulty in getting rid of items. We'll either do it now or our children will do it later for us. Again, a great episode! Thanks Team! You guys are awesome!!