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Patreon Exclusive. The Minimalists discuss what practices to integrate into our lives to maintain the momentum and inspiration of spring cleaning all year long, and they answer the following questions:

What are the origins of spring cleaning? (00:59)

What is “setting the stage”? (03:32)

What is your perspective regarding flat surfaces? (05:43)

How do you define “traditions”? (08:44)

What are your monthly resets? (09:46)

What practice primed you for living more minimally? (15:19)

Do all relationships ultimately make us miserable? (23:54)

What is your viewpoint of trends? (35:39)

Why is competition problematic? (44:22)

How do I best store and organize my children’s toys? (48:18)

Are design storage containers becoming a new fashion? (54:26)


Article: Advice to My 18-Year-Old Self About Minimalism

Book: Everything That Remains

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Book: Things That Matter

Coffee: Bandit Coffee Co.

Essay: How to Understand Your Values

Essay: Play the 30-Day Minimalism Game

Explore: Stahl House

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: Expired Things

Podcast: How to Love

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Watch: Narrowest Apartment in NYC

Wikipedia: Spring Cleaning


“If we don’t understand the ‘why,’ we blindly pursue the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ with no purpose.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“As soon as we renounce something, we’re forever tethered to it.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“All conflict is self-conflict.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Organizing is well-planned hoarding.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Understanding the why helps you realize the how.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“Someday is the eighth day of the week—and it never arrives.” —Jordan Moore

“Organized chaos is still chaos.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 332.


Private Podcast | “Year-Round Spring Cleaning”

The Minimalists discuss what practices to integrate into our lives to maintain the momentum and inspiration of spring cleaning all year long, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 What are the origins of spring cleaning? 03:32 What is “setting the stage”? 05:43 What is your perspective regarding flat surfaces? 08:44 How do you define “traditions”? 09:46 What are your monthly resets? 15:19 What practice primed you for living more minimally? 23:54 Do all relationships ultimately make us miserable? 35:39 What is your viewpoint of trends? 44:22 Why is competition problematic? 48:18 How do I best store and organize my children’s toys? 54:26 Are design storage containers becoming a new fashion?


Carolyn Stone

Yes, I’m a stage setter as well. Someone once made the comment that I could live in a model home because everything had a specific place . I’m not sure if they were being kind or snarky but I do thrive in a calm and organized space.

Kathryn Brewer

Every first day of the month, I clean my washing machine and my Berkey system, and I read a short list of essays and articles that I am pledged to revisit periodically.