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Patreon Exclusive. Joshua and The Minimalists’ team discuss non-material clutter, including relationship clutter, career clutter, emotional clutter, calendar clutter, organizational clutter, and other kinds of clutter, and they answer the following questions:

Is deprivation ever helpful? (06:07)

What do you think of New Year’s resolutions? (45:12)

How many intentions did you set for 2022 and how did you categorize them? (45:27)

What did Joshua look like when he was 80 pounds heavier? (50:22)

Should we let go of our affection for sports teams to avoid getting too emotionally invested in the outcome of the games? (52:27)

How can I better help my significant other let go of stuff? (53:22)

How do I overcome binge eating? (55:31)

What minimalist principles have you applied to your businesses that led to their success? (58:11)

Is it better to practice minimalism privately than publicly? (1:00:43)

What are your favorite books and why? (1:02:59)

Who is your favorite fiction author? (1:07:11)

What are your three favorite nonfiction books of 2021? (1:15:30)

How do you plan on navigating the constantly expanding landscape of social media platforms? (1:17:16)

What music inspires and motivates you on difficult days? (1:19:01)

What convinced you to start livestreaming the recording sessions of the podcast episodes? (1:19:54)

What is your favorite meal? (1:20:25)

Do you have a playlist of the songs you’ve recommended over the years? (1:22:48)

What do you think of former podcast guest Robert F. Kennedy’s apparent associations with far-right groups? (1:23:38)

What other musicians would you suggest for me if I enjoy your previous suggestions of Andrew Belle and Canyon City? (1:26:20)

Do you enjoy rap battles? (1:27:17)

Do you enjoy the significant influx of texts you now receive from your audience through the Community phone number? (1:28:49)

Do you plan on touring in Australia again? (1:29:38)

What do you use for daily time management? (1:33:00)

What do each of you find most annoying about the other? (1:34:45)

What new project are you working on? (1:36:35)

How do you deal with the frustration of others placing obligations and responsibilities on you? (1:37:05)

Who is your favorite podcast guest of 2021? (1:38:31)

Do you keep your physical journals or digitize them? (1:42:48)

How has the practice of grounding improved your health? (1:44:26)

What movie has made you laugh the most? (1:46:28)

How do I determine the appropriate time to let go of a paper document? (1:57:32)


Added Value: Alone at Prom

App: Overcast

Article: Can Minimalism Really Make You Happier?

Article: Lush Cosmetics Quitting Social Media

Article: The Ultimate Guide to a No-Buy Year

Book: Crossroads

Book: Dead I Well May Be

Book: Debt-Free Degree

Book: Earthing

Book: Everything That Remains

Book: Freedom

Book: Infinite Jest

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Book: The Broom of the System

Book: The Chain

Book: The Motion of the Body through Space

Book: The Pale King

Book: Things That Matter

Book: We Need to Talk About Kevin

Coffee: Bandit Coffee Co.

Essay: How to Understand Your Values

Essay: Nobody Has the Power to Upset You

Essay: The Sound of Life

Explore: Tile

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Music: Pandora

Photos: 1DollarScan

Podcast: Lisa Ann

Podcast: Nate Green

Podcast: How to Love

Podcast: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Podcast: Anthony ONeal

Resources: The Minimalists

Spotify: The Minimalists 

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Website: Ultimate Longevity


“How would your life be better with less clutter?” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Going into debt is giving your freedom to someone else.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Good businesses make money; great businesses make a difference.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Missing out is letting go in advance.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 322.


Private Podcast | "Other Kinds of Clutter"

Joshua and The Minimalists’ team discuss non-material clutter, including relationship clutter, career clutter, emotional clutter, calendar clutter, organizational clutter, and other kinds of clutter, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 Is deprivation ever helpful? 45:12 What do you think of New Year’s resolutions? 45:27 How many intentions did you set for 2022 and how did you categorize them? 50:22 What did Joshua look like when he was 80 pounds heavier? 52:27 Should we let go of our affection for sports teams to avoid getting too emotionally invested in the outcome of the games? 53:22 How can I better help my significant other let go of stuff? 55:31 How do I overcome binge eating? 58:11 What minimalist principles have you applied to your businesses that led to their success? 1:00:43 Is it better to practice minimalism privately than publicly? 1:02:59 What are your favorite books and why? 1:07:11 Who is your favorite fiction author? 1:15:30 What are your three favorite nonfiction books of 2021? 1:17:16 How do you plan on navigating the constantly expanding landscape of social media platforms? 1:19:01 What music inspires and motivates you on difficult days? 1:19:54 What convinced you to start livestreaming the recording sessions of the podcast episodes? 1:20:25 What is your favorite meal? 1:22:48 Do you have a playlist of the songs you’ve recommended over the years? 1:23:38 What do you think of former podcast guest Robert F. Kennedy’s apparent associations with far-right groups? 1:26:20 What other musicians would you suggest for me if I enjoy your previous suggestions of Andrew Belle and Canyon City? 1:27:17 Do you enjoy rap battles? 1:28:49 Do you enjoy the significant influx of texts you now receive from your audience through the Community phone number? 1:29:38 Do you plan on touring in Australia again? 1:33:00 What do you use for daily time management? 1:34:45 What do each of you find most annoying about the other? 1:36:35 What new project are you working on? 1:37:05 How do you deal with the frustration of others placing obligations and responsibilities on you? 1:38:31 Who is your favorite podcast guest of 2021? 1:42:48 Do you keep your physical journals or digitize them? 1:44:26 How has the practice of grounding improved your health? 1:46:28 What movie has made you laugh the most? 1:57:32 How do I determine the appropriate time to let go of a paper document?


Ricardo C Pinzon Jr

There are many emails that I delete daily because I have subscriptions. I have unsubscribed to many in the past, but I have not, will not unsubscribe to yours. I had listened to the live version and realized it half way through, yet I continued to listen to the end. Sometimes additional insights come around which help to clear my head. Two points.I do not watch professional sporting events. I have some regalia, but not much. In fact, I do not purchase team sports items any longer. If someone wants to give something to me representing a team I may follow, great! I'll keep it for now. Second point, I do not touch or giveaway any of my wife's possessions. My minimalist journey is different from hers. I'm more agressive, she is more passive, and you know what? That's ok! We're both in different "places" when it comes to ridding our lives of useless possessions, useless, DVR recorded programs, etc. We'll get there. :-) Thanks guys! Keep it going! Sorry I missed you in DC. Weather was UGLY! Stay safe! Continued success!! :-)


Obviously I’m catching up on some past private pods since becoming a Patreon supporter. Super excited to hear you stand up for the good RFK has done in his career as people strive to “other” him for having counter narrative views. So refreshing to hear love spread, instead of division.