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Patreon Exclusive. Joshua and Ryan talk about the emotional and psychological pain that arises when we constantly need more stuff, and they answer the following questions:

How do we quell our mindless consumption? (00:00)

What is “expensive pain”? (08:47)

What is “toxic clinging”? (13:22)

What is the definition of “luxury”? (29:39)

When do luxury goods make sense to own? (34:31)

What about items perceived as superfluous that are actually essential, such as nutritious food compared to processed food that is cheaper and more readily available? (34:42)

Do we purchase items such as campers, boats, off-roading vehicles, cabins, and vacation homes simply because we hope to create memories with people through these objects? (40:33)

Do luxury brands have better business practices, quality, and durability than fast fashion? (44:48)

Why is the chase of an item more satisfying than obtaining it? (48:08)

How do you define “love”? (55:26)

How can I purchase more time? (56:35)

What criteria do you use to evaluate a luxury purchase? (1:00:48)

How do you determine whether a “want” will actually add value to your life rather than becoming just another superfluous purchase? (1:05:23)


Art: Beaulah

Article: Kanye West’s New House

Article: Stop Buying Stuff

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Clothing: Los Angeles Apparel

Instagram: Dan Bilzerian

Instagram: Emma Krebs

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: Obligations

Podcast: Philosophize This!

Podcast: The Curious One

Poll: Tier Names

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Watch: Studio Tour


“Don’t become possessed by your possessions.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“You don’t need a vacation home to vacation.” —The Minimalists

“Loyalty to a brand is simply an inability to let go.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Clinging to anything squeezes the joy out of it.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Buying a luxury good doesn’t make you a better person.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“No external validation will make up for a missing internal validation.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“The only way to buy more time is through healthy habits.” —Ryan Nicodemus

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 314.


Private Podcast | "Possessed by Possessions"

Joshua and Ryan talk about the emotional and psychological pain that arises when we constantly need more stuff, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 How do we quell our mindless consumption? 08:47 What is “expensive pain”? 13:22 What is “toxic clinging”? 29:39 What is the definition of “luxury”? 34:31 When do luxury goods make sense to own? 34:42 What about items perceived as superfluous that are actually essential, such as nutritious food compared to processed food that is cheaper and more readily available? 40:33 Do we purchase items such as campers, boats, off-roading vehicles, cabins, and vacation homes simply because we hope to create memories with people through these objects? 44:48 Do luxury brands have better business practices, quality, and durability than fast fashion? 48:08 Why is the chase of an item more satisfying than obtaining it? 55:26 How do you define “love”? 56:35 How can I purchase more time? 1:00:48 What criteria do you use to evaluate a luxury purchase? 1:05:23 How do you determine whether a “want” will actually add value to your life rather than becoming just another superfluous purchase?


Ricardo C Pinzon Jr

Gentlemen, Another excellent podcast! As with so many others, there are many gold nuggets to glean. I have fallen into the realm of being satisfied with what I have in my home. My wife and I have been downsizing as we head into retirement and discovered so much in boxes and suitcases that we completely forgot about. Some things we've kept. Others have found their way to either the landfill or a charity organization. The adventure continues, as I like to say. On a sadder note, hate to see Emma depart your staff. I wish her continued success in all she does and will continue to follow her podcast. Have a great Thanksgiving!


We always enjoy your insights, Ricardo! Enjoy your holidays!