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Patreon Exclusive. Joshua and Ryan talk about blowing up past relationships; rules for letting go of careers, habits, and routines; and nine ways to avoid spending money on trends; and they answer the following questions:

What do you mean by “blowing up a relationship”? (00:00)

What would you do differently if you could? (33:55)

What is “low-grade misery”? (36:13)

What are the three types of relationships? (38:52)

How do I make my boss spontaneously combust? (45:05)

How do I let go of the FOMO regarding Facebook so I can cancel my account? (50:36)

How do we find and maintain a healthy balance in family relationships? (1:00:08)

How do we better manage and mitigate our search for durable everyday items? (1:06:25)


Article: 9 Ways to Avoid Spending on Fads

Book: Live a Meaningful Life

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Clothing: Los Angeles Apparel

Clothing: Project 333

Clothing: Son of a Tailor

Instagram: Emma Krebs

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: How to Love

Qonversation: Mat Kearney

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Watch: Fairfax

Watch: The Closer

YouTube: Dr. John Delony


“Much of our misery has its roots in outsourcing our individuality to corporations.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“The only way to outgrow an impulse is to recognize its absurdity.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Any excess always disturbs the peace.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Running toward is the opposite of running away.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“No matter what brand you wear, it doesn’t change who you are inside.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“You can run from anyone—except yourself.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“Access trumps ownership because ownership brings burden.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“We are miserable because we tolerate that which makes us miserable.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Never let money take the wheel or it will steer you where you won’t want to go.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Enough isn’t enough until you decide it’s enough.” —Ryan Nicodemus

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 312.



Jonathan W Johnson

josh has mentioned some of his favorite books in an older episode, does anyone know which episode this was? sorry, the american psycho talk from this episode got me interested

Susan Plotnick

Hey Ryan - I live on a boat in Sausalito. You’re welcome to visit anytime you’re in the Bay Area. 😉