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Exciting news! We have been working with the fine folks at Patreon and Acast to move the first 200 episodes of The Minimalists Podcast to The Minimalists Private Podcast. This is now complete!

What does this mean? It means that, as a patron, you get yet another perk. Now all of our archives, both public and private, are Patreon-exclusive. These 200 episodes are available to every tier of support—you can find them right now in your Patreon RSS feed. (Note: all 200 episodes will soon be removed from the public feed.)

To facilitate this change, we switched our Patreon podcast hosting to Acast. This is a backend change that should be seamless for you, which means you can continue to listen to our private podcast in your favorite podcast app, or via the Patreon website or mobile app, without interruption. However, if you experience any technical difficulties—or if you don't see the archives in your RSS feed—simply visit this link.

If you aren't already subscribed to our private podcast via RSS, we highly recommend it. It's very easy to do. From the device on which you want to listen, click here to sign in to your Patreon account, hit “Allow” to enable delivery of the content, then select your podcast app of choice to subscribe. Boom—done! This works with Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Downcast, Podcast Addict, Acast, and dozens of other podcast apps.

Any questions? Let us know in the comments, or email: theminimalists@theminimalists.com.

Exciting times! 

—Joshua & Ryan




It's hard for me to appreciate this change. I guess there is no "should" and it's your content so you can do whatever you like but I really don't understand how taking 200 episodes away from the public will benefit the world. This is how I started, by watching free staff. I would rather expect opposite - that you'll release more to the public. I thought I pay so others who can't afford it will benefit...

Zachary Lutz

If I may, I know for sure one answer, and I'm going to assume another. Some podcatchers, Google Podcast is a big example, has a cap limit on how many episodes can be stored at a time. So at the very least, Ryan and Josh will be running into that issue anyways. Second, it seems Ryan and Josh's perspectives in life, and minimalism topics have shifted over the years. I bet how they would answer a question today is different than when it was answered in the first 200 episodes. Since they have evolved as people, I understand why archiving older episodes, including older thoughts and "advice", would be the best for them. If that is indeed the case, I'm all onboard with this! I'm also happy they are revisiting topics, back to basic topics as it were, so that people can have current answers for free.


Yea, but I started watching recently and I started from the beginning. I understand the change but also at the begging I could easily relate to old podcasts. Plus I wonder if that's the case then why they decided to leave short version of these videos?


Zachary: That's spot on. I couldn't have explained it better myself. Our podcast has improved significantly over the years. While the archives are a nice time capsule of our evolution (and great for a deep dive), they are not the best place to start. We'd like to expose people to the more recent episodes first. However, millions of people have started with those initial episodes, and they will continue to do so if they are public. Ergo, this archival change, which gives folks a better onramp to our show. We contemplated this deeply, and we believe it's the best arrangement for new listeners and patrons alike. (You're also correct about the cap: several podcatchers and hosting services cap at 50, 100, 200, etc., so making the archives available somewhere was even more important.) —JFM


Weronika — That's a fair question. Ryan and I actually disagreed about this point. Personally, I wanted to simply delete the first 200 audio episodes altogether, but he suggested leaving a sample that's appended with an explanation (i.e., "The best place to start is with our most recent episodes—e.g., Obligations (ep. 270), Overstuffed (ep. 245), Owning Less (ep. 247), etc.—and then, if you want to dive into the archives, they are available somewhere). I don't always get my way, so we compromised on this one. We'll try talk about this on thus Thursday's Maximal episode. —JFM

Jenni Eloranta

Hi, neither of the links in this post seem to be working (Error 500: Error occured loading the page). Is there a way around this?


They're working fine on our end, Jenni. You might try power cycling your device (that is, just turning it off and back on), power cycling your Wi-Fi router, or accessing the links from another computer.