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To avoid confusion, The Minimalists are transitioning from billing patrons per-podcast (also known as per-creation) to monthly pledges, which will take effect on June 1. Patreon is encouraging all of their creators, including The Minimalists, to make this change.

Rest assured, the default amount you will pay each month will not change! Your pledge will be converted from a “per-podcast” amount to a “monthly” amount that is exactly the same as you have been paying in each of the recent months. You will remain on the same tier you are on, receiving the same benefits. Patreon will send you an email with confirmation of this amount.

This new structure will provide more consistency to our patrons (and to us): you'll now have a consistent price for all of the benefits we provide, and it won’t fluctuate based on the number of paid posts that month.

If you had a cap on the number of posts you pay for each month, this may result in you having a pledge that is lower than the new price of that tier. If you were capped previously, would you please consider increasing your pledge to match everyone else in your tier? It’s easy to modify the amount of your pledge to rejoin this tier or switch to another one in our membership (instructions here).

Keep it simple,

—Joshua & Ryan

P.S. Part One of our studio tour is coming this Monday!



Paul Weymouth

I just wanted to say thank you for allowing people to keep their current price and not forcing them to change over.

Ann Marie

This picture makes me think Ryan should audition for a role as a Hobbit in the next LOTR production. I mean, the feet! The hair!