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Patreon Exclusive. Joshua and Ryan discuss why most advice is flawed advice, and they address the following questions and advice: 

What are you leaving behind in the wake of the pandemic? (00:00)

Why are our solutions often worse than our problems? (11:26)

What is some bad advice you’ve received? (13:13)

How can we become more uniting and less dividing? (20:47)

Shouldn’t we fully understand something before we take action? (57:16)

What is the problem with ‘fake it ‘til you make it’? (59:05)

Why do we often feel like frauds? (1:03:06)

Any advice I haven’t asked for is bad advice. (1:12:34)

Any advice from someone I wouldn’t trade places with is bad advice. (1:15:44)

If you just obey all the rules, nothing bad will happen. (1:18:24)

Just buy it—you deserve it. (1:20:16)

Put it all in a storage unit and sort through it when you have time. (1:22:34)

Buy a house at the top end of whatever amount the bank is willing to loan you because your cost-of-living raises at work will cover it. (1:25:57)

Finance things to improve your credit rating.  (1:27:26)

Never turn something you love to do into a career or you’ll start to hate it. (1:31:21)

It’s a good thing to always have some debt and payments. (1:32:10)

Never have debt or use it to build credit. (1:32:38)

Do more, work harder, do better. (1:34:49)

Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. (1:35:41)

You just need to relax. (1:36:30)

Stop feeling [insert any emotion here]. (1:36:48)

“He teases you because he likes you” and “He hits you because he likes you.” (1:39:28)

Student loans get you a great education; they’re worth it for a pedigree degree. (1:43:27)

“Don’t buy a house” and “Don’t ever take on a job with any responsibilities.” (1:45:07)

My husband told me I needed to go back to school and get another degree for a career I didn’t want; I told him I didn’t want it, and he said I was wrong. (1:49:06)

Learn how to multitask to get more things done at the same time. (1:51:00)

If your partner doesn't say ‘I love you’ within six months, then leave. (1:55:53)

Bitcoin sounds like a scam—$80 just isn’t worth it for a single Bitcoin! (2:04:31)

Do what you love and the money will come. (2:07:58)

Don’t hold your baby too much. (2:09:25)

You’ll have plenty of time to figure out what to do for the rest of your life. (2:12:53)

Always try to be the best at what you do. (2:16:25)

You haven’t lived until you’ve had children. (2:19:35)

You should have given a cheating spouse another chance. (2:21:35)

What is a “cleft relationship?” (2:23:10)

If you worked less and were home more, then maybe your husband would come back. (2:24:23)


Article: What We’re Leaving Behind

Book: A World without Email

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Book: The Way to Love

Book: Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite

Class: How to Write Better

Essay: Changing Your Life Won’t Change Your Life

Essay: Retirement Planning

Essay: Stimulate the Economy Like a Minimalist

Essay: The Advice Epidemic

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jess Williams

Listen: “Crooked Smile”

Listen: “Pink Moon”

Podcast: How to Love

Podcast: Cal Newport

Podcast: Think the Opposite

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Twitter: Joshua Fields Millburn

Watch: Let’s Talk About the Economy


“Decluttering is a byproduct of understanding that consumerism is the problem.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Action apes the form of understanding.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Don’t seek out the ‘how’ until you understand the ‘why.’” —Ryan Nicodemus

“The problem occurs when we compromise what we want to get what we want today.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Never-ending growth worries about competition and increased expectations; intentional growth contemplates cooperation and higher standards.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Never-ending growth is never-ending satisfaction.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Letting go isn’t something you do—it’s something you stop doing.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“All advice is flawed advice.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“Progress is achieved not through addition but through subtraction.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“You know what to do when you know what enough is.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“If you have to do what you love, you’ll stop loving what you have to do.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“You desire what you desire despite what others want for you.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“All advice is good or bad advice in hindsight.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 284.


Private Podcast | "The Best Worst Advice"

Joshua and Ryan discuss why most advice is flawed advice, and they address the following questions and advice: 00:00 What are you leaving behind in the wake of the pandemic? 11:26 Why are our solutions often worse than our problems? 13:13 What is some bad advice you’ve received? 20:47 How can we become more uniting and less dividing? 57:16 Shouldn’t we fully understand something before we take action? 59:05 What is the problem with ‘fake it ‘til you make it’? 1:03:06 Why do we often feel like frauds? 1:12:34 Any advice I haven’t asked for is bad advice. 1:15:44 Any advice from someone I wouldn’t trade places with is bad advice. 1:18:24 If you just obey all the rules, nothing bad will happen. 1:20:16 Just buy it—you deserve it. 1:22:34 Put it all in a storage unit and sort through it when you have time. 1:25:57 Buy a house at the top end of whatever amount the bank is willing to loan you because your cost-of-living raises at work will cover it. 1:27:26 Finance things to improve your credit rating. 1:31:21 Never turn something you love to do into a career or you’ll start to hate it. 1:32:10 It’s a good thing to always have some debt and payments. 1:32:38 Never have debt or use it to build credit. 1:34:49 Do more, work harder, do better. 1:35:41 Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. 1:36:30 You just need to relax. 1:36:48 Stop feeling [insert any emotion here]. 1:39:28 “He teases you because he likes you” and “He hits you because he likes you.” 1:43:27 Student loans get you a great education; they’re worth it for a pedigree degree. 1:45:07 “Don’t buy a house” and “Don’t ever take on a job with any responsibilities.” 1:49:06 My husband told me I needed to go back to school and get another degree for a career I didn’t want; I told him I didn’t want it, and he said I was wrong. 1:51:00 Learn how to multitask to get more things done at the same time. 1:55:53 If your partner doesn't say ‘I love you’ within six months, then leave. 2:04:31 Bitcoin sounds like a scam—$80 just isn’t worth it for a single Bitcoin! 2:07:58 Do what you love and the money will come. 2:09:25 Don’t hold your baby too much. 2:12:53 You’ll have plenty of time to figure out what to do for the rest of your life. 2:16:25 Always try to be the best at what you do. 2:19:35 You haven’t lived until you’ve had children. 2:21:35 You should have given a cheating spouse another chance. 2:23:10 What is a “cleft relationship?” 2:24:23 If you worked less and were home more, then maybe your husband would come back. Follow The Minimalists: Instagram: http://instagram.com/theminimalists Twitter: http://twitter.com/theminimalists Facebook: http://facebook.com/theminimalists Text: https://my.community.com/theminimalists Blog: http://theminimalists.com Podcast: http://theminimalists.com/podcast


Ashley Heim

Okay, I'm only 30 minutes in to the podcast so far, but I just had to leave a comment to mention that every night in order to fall asleep I turn on a Harry Potter audiobook. The story Absolutely knocks me out. I don't know what it is, but I set the audible timer for 20 minutes and I'm always asleep before it times out. I'm not trying to give anyone advice, but maybe before trying a sleeping pill you should just try having someone read HP to you.

Alex Coronado

A friend plays podcasts when she's trying to sleep. I remember her saying "I can't sleep because I hear my own voice/thoughts in my head"

Ashley Heim

I have the same problem your friend does! I start to ruminate and it is anything but peaceful.

Anna Fedorova

I think it's my favourite episode of yours. 2 hours and I don't want it to end ☺️