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Patreon Exclusive. In this Quarantine Qonversation, Joshua calls T.K. Coleman to ask why we are so eager to relinquish our freedoms during a crisis, and they discuss the rights that are currently being infringed upon during the coronavirus pandemic. 



Liz Ryan

Freedom to [own a gun]. Freedom from [being gunned down randomly by a maniac]. Freedom of the individual [to own a gun]. Freedom to collectively determine by an agreed process [how guns should be owned and used]. Do you see what I mean? There's no ultimate right or wrong but a society that puts the emphasis on individual freedom alone will be a different place to one which embraces the collective.

Pam Chamberlin

This was so great! I’m working from home and I experience a bit of guilt when I’m not working. TK reminded me that there’s real value in using my downtime to be creative in all ways, not just working more because I’m commuting less. I’ve been listening to the QQs while walking in my neighborhood.