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Patreon Exclusive! In this "Maximal" episode, Joshua and Ryan discuss financial independence, spending habits, and solving money problems with filmmaker Travis Shakespeare, and they answer the following questions:

What budgeting apps do you recommend? (21:39)

How do I discuss my debt with my partner? (22:25)

Are there other paths to financial independence besides working long hours and cutting expenses? (27:30)

If my vehicle is my passion, is it reasonable to extend my transportation expenses beyond 10% of my income? (32:27)

Can I include charitable giving in my budget if I’m paying off debt? (37:59)

Where is the line between saving for tomorrow and investing in myself today? (44:31)

Where do I start if I have $40K dollars in debt to pay off? (48:25)

How do I address my discomfort regarding depleting my emergency fund for emergencies? (49:44)

Should I keep my credit card once it’s paid off, or should I cancel it? (53:20)

Is a home mortgage considered acceptable debt within the financial independence community? (56:03)

What is the best way to explain the value of money to children? (1:03:47)

If I can only afford to invest $100 each month, what is the best investment strategy for me? (1:05:23)

App: Every Dollar

Article: 11 Steps to Retire by Age 50

Article: The Trinity Study and Portfolio Success Rates

Blog: Get Rich Slowly

Book: Essential

Book: Everything That Remains

Book: Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life

Book: Smart Money Smart Kids

Book: The Total Money Makeover

Book: Your Money or Your Life

Coffee: Bandit Coffee Co.

Contribute: Gem City Market

Documentary: Rising Star

Essay: Financial Freedom

Essay: Most Emergencies Aren’t

Essay: Retirement Planning

Essay: Tour My Minimalist Apartment

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Podcast: Financial Independence

Podcast: Griffin House

Podcast: Ramit Sethi

Twitter: Travis Shakespeare

Watch: Matt D’Avella

Watch: Minimalism Documentary

Watch: Playing with FIRE

Website: Mr. Money Mustache

Website: Jordan Moore


“Debt is a spiritual poison.” —Travis Shakespeare

“We can’t maximize life with minimum effort.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Money isn’t everything, but it’s also not nothing.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Money won’t solve all your problems, but it will solve your money problems.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“The richest people in the graveyards are still dead.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 193.



Bart Cuypers

Really loved this episode and realised I should read/investigate much more about (small) investing (which I am not doing now, just saving, as I am scared of losing it all)! I'll start with those on the show notes, but any other advice welcome :). Thanks! Maybe something to share back: I am a frequent traveller, and then a credit card is extremely convenient as it is accepted everywhere (and also smaller currency conversion fees than a debet card, at least for Belgium). I do, however, agree with all the negative aspects you mentioned on the podcast. One of my best discoveries is this, a credit card that is: - Prepaid: so you can never pay what you don't have - No comission to other currencies - No currency exchange fee taking out cash in another currency up to a certain amount / month. -No monthly fees of any kind https://www.revolut.com/ (So basically, you have the advantages of a credit card, but have much less risk of doing something wrong) Surely, there are others out there. But this one I tested and is pretty awesome and free. The app is also nice, and you can block your card when you are not using it for safety. Ooh and PS @Joshua, I don't think it was a bad investment from you to own a modest property in an area/your hometown that you love, even if you are not profiting that much. Whatever happens with shares on the market or the prices of properties. You always have a place that is yours and where you can go back to.

Alexis Sahagun

You talk about car loans, what about leasing cars since you technically rent it— and you don’t have to worry about repair cost, etc?