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Patreon Exclusive! Joshua & Ryan discuss branding and consumerism in today’s ad-saturated online world, and they answer the following questions:

Is it ethical for companies to use the allure of minimalism as part of their advertising strategy? (1:06:14)

How do I resist the temptation to replace items that are no longer aesthetically pleasing but still useful? (1:10:15)

How can I determine if a company’s values truly align with my values? (1:16:47)

How do I refine our nascent company’s patchwork of personal values into a set of company values with which all team members agree? (1:27:35)

How can I be authentic in my social media feeds yet ensure I don’t alienate future collaborators? (1:31:02)

How can I cultivate my business’s brand without making my personal life part of the brand? (1:35:52)


Article: Why so Many Brands on Instagram Look the Same

Bag: Pakt One

Book: Company of One

Book: Digital Minimalism

Book: How to Be Here

Book: Lost Connections

Book: Love Your Life, Not Theirs

Coffee: Bandit Coffee Co.

Coffee: Patricia Coffee

Essay: Abandoning Perfection

Essay: Consumption

Essay: Essentials, Nonessentials, and Junk 

Essay: Five Questions to Ask Before Buying

Essay: How The Minimalists Are Using Social Media

Explore: notNeutral 

Explore: Values

Instagram: The Minimalists

Listen: 5:5:1

Podcast: Reply All

Podcast: Congratulations

Podcast: Addiction, Depression, and a Meaningful Life

Podcast: The Life-Tidying Magic of Gentrification

Podcast: Values

Watch: Minimalism Documentary

Watch: Minimalist Home Tour | Behind the Scenes 

Watch: Minimalist Home Tour | Joshua Fields Millburn 

Watch: Used Car Commercial

Website: Ben Greenfield Fitness

Website: Mnmlist


“Chasing trends today won’t make your future self happy.”

“You cannot buy a lifestyle.”

“Do the things that will make your future self proud.”



Bethany Craig

To answer your question of "What would you like to see" on the private Patreon podcasts: You often talk about how living a meaningful life is simple, and not easy. I see exactly what you mean when you say this, but it can be scary to purposely make your life harder in order to live a more meaningful life. It is something me and my partner are struggling with in various areas of our lives. I suppose it could be encouraging or "less scary" for us, and maybe others who follow you, if you could share things from your lives that are hard. Things that make your life harder, but go hand in hand with living a simple and meaningful life. What are those things, how do you deal with them, how do you accept that they are a part of your lives, and how do you embrace them? I don't know what this would look like as a social media post - Perhaps an image accompanied by an explanation. Or maybe just short text posts. And I don't mean to say "Post things that are negative" what I mean specifically is "a positive and accepting take on the things that make your simple life hard, while still feeling like those hardships are worth it". Much of what you talk about kind of touches on this topic organically, but it could be interesting to have a focused post about it.

Sietske Overweg

Thanks for another great episode! I think you mean the Fairphone, in case anyone is interested.