"Relocating" Postscript (Patreon)
Patreon Exclusive! Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus host a private podcast session with their Patreon supporters, and they answer additional questions regarding their pending move:
To guarantee continuity of care, how do you find reputable healthcare professionals when you move?
In your experience, what is the most difficult thing to find when you move to a new area?
What were the criteria to decide to which city to move, and how did you choose your new residences?
Will you have a pre-move yard sale?
What will you miss most about Montana?
How long did it take you to pack?
Coffee: Zootown Brew
Donate: Donation Town
Donate: Donation Warehouse
Essay: Diminishing Value
Explore: Five on Black
Professionals: Angie’s List
Reviews: Yelp
Sell: Craigslist
Twitter: Ella Sandwich
Watch: Minimalism Documentary
Website: Matt D’Avella
Website: Minimal Wellness
YouTube: Matt D’Avella
This Postscript episode corresponds with Minimal episode 095.