Ask The Minimalists 002 (Patreon)
Patreon Exclusive! Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus host a private podcast session with their Patreon supporters, and they answer the following questions:
Do you ever feel insecure about not having enough cash flow? How do you know when you have enough?
When you were transitioning out of your corporate jobs, how did you make the intermediate years more bearable? How were you able to find balance and add meaning to your lives while biding time and saving up money working that job that ate up your days, nights, and weekends?
How do I help my adult children find opportunities in their chosen fields of woodworking and costume design? Are these viable careers?
On your journey in minimalism, have you encountered situations where you’re so adverse to buying or bringing items into your home that it’s been detrimental to your quality of life?
What is the most common starting point for the journey into minimalism?
Without seeming pushy, how do I introduce my father to minimalism, along with the idea that removing the excess stuff in his life will allow him to have the space to clear his mind and reduce stress?
How do you ensure you always pack light?
What do you do when you realize a close, long-time friend no longer shares the same beliefs and/or values as you?
Where do you get the photographs you use on your website?
How do you balance saving for retirement with giving back?
If the interests, values, and beliefs of your loved ones in your inner circle don’t align with your interests, values, and beliefs, do you leave any room for compromise?
What brands of tiny homes are featured in your documentary?
Do you see any benefit from stockpiling certain items?
Do I need a purpose to live a meaningful life? If so, what action must I take to find it?
How do I make my writing more clear? How do I write honestly and openly without being affected by critics?
My husband has several goals he swears he’s committed to achieve, but he’s no closer to achieving them than he was two to three years ago when he made them. How can I help him achieve them?
Book: Black Privilege
Book: Everything That Remains
Book: Side Hustle
Book: The Moral Landscape
Book: The Total Money Makeover
Class: How to Write Better
Coffee: Bandit Coffee Co.
Contribute: Against Malaria Foundation
Contribute: Charity Water
Contribute: Doctors Without Borders
Contribute: Give Well
Contribute: Habitat for Humanity
Contribute: The Hope Effect
Design: Jay Austin
Design: David Friedlander
Design: Graham Hill
Design: Frank Mascia
Design: Tumbleweed Tiny House Company
Essay: Keep Travel Simple
Essay: Need, Want, Like
Essay: Nostalgia Is Dangerous
Essay: Retirement Planning
Explore: Joshua’s Home
Explore: Ryan’s Home
Explore: Values
Guidance: Mentors
Photography: Justin Vaseur
Photography: Joshua Weaver
Photography: Library of Congress
Photography: Unsplash
Podcast: Criticism
Podcast: Critics
Podcast: Rob Bell
Podcast: Sam Harris
Podcast: Values
Watch: Minimalism Documentary
Watch: Pack Like The Minimalists
Website: Leo Babauta
Website: Joshua Becker
Website: Courtney Carver
Website: Tammy Strobel
Website: Colin Wright