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Patreon Exclusive! Joshua Fields Millburn is joined by his partner, Rebecca Shern of Minimalism Wellness, and they answer the following questions:

Any ideas for obtaining affordable health insurance once you’re off the corporate bandwagon?

I often struggle to justify hobbies which add value to my life, but take up—what I feel to be—too much of my free time. Do you have any experiences to share with something like that?

We have a huge house that’s pretty much empty now thanks to our adoption of minimalism, and it’s hard to justify such a huge space when we entertain many people just a few days out of the month—although I appreciate those times. Thoughts?

We have a family of eight and despite major efforts, we always seem to be taking one step forward and two steps back. We’re still very motivated, but we’re very discouraged. Thoughts on perseverance?

Any tips on dealing with just-for-when items? I seem to run out of everything at the same time because I’m trying to keep the minimal amount of everything.

How do I help a hoarder friend who keeps saying she’ll change her behaviors “tomorrow”?

I have duplicate products for hair and skin, and I want to get rid of everything that I’m not using in the moment—but I’m afraid I’ll just be spending more money when it runs out. What do you suggest?


Essay: 20 Dollars, 20 Minutes

Essay: 90/90 Minimalism Rule

Essay: Let’s Play a Minimalism Game

Explore: Healthcare

Explore: Joshua’s Home

Explore: Ryan’s Home

Explore: Values

Podcast: Values

Watch: Minimalism Documentary

Website: Minimalism Wellness



Robert and Tori Wells

I really like Rebecca’s input as a ladies perspective

Diana Mitchell

Catching up on these finally - one note about healthcare. In many cities, joining your local Chamber of Commerce often gives you access to insurance plans for members. Here in Western New York, I could have joined any of a dozen local Chambers and could have purchased health insurance ranging from $500 a month (the basics - for one person) to $1,000+. Definitely something to consider looking into, wherever you live.