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The Minimalists discuss the clutter that is often caused by spirituality, religion, and different ideologies. Ryan Nicodemus also joins the private podcast to talk about the religious clutter from his childhood.

Discussed in this episode:

Should I declutter some of my accessories that might be cluttering my spiritual practice? (1:40)

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term “spirituality”? (30:14)

What are the 10 free minimalist resources from The Minimalists? (50:31)

Listener tip: an app a day! (51:02)

How do I let go of the pain from the past and still hold on to the lessons I learned from that pain? (52:13)

Should I leave my corporate job if it no longer aligns with my values? (1:05:05)

How can I have a relationship with my parents if I’m repulsed by their religion? (1:16:46)

What can we do when our religious beliefs conflict with our values? (1:39:54)

More About Less: The 5 most popular daily quotes from Waking Up. (2:00:29)


Added Value: “Change Your Heart or Die”

Book: Everything’s Spiritual

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Download: Free Resources

Essay: Understanding Your Values

Film: Sasquatch Sunset

Podcast: Everything’s Spiritual

Podcast: The RobCast

Podcast: Useless Things


If an accessory does not markedly enhance an activity, it is clutter.

Consumerism is the ideology that buying more things will make you better.

Spirituality is who we are, not what we do.

Every ideology comes prepackaged with clutter.

Nonsense is always nonsensical, even if it looks good on a bumper sticker. 

Pain is helpful until we cling to it.

The location of the pain is not the root of the pain.

Our values are not expressed by the words we write down, but by the way we spend our lives.

Loving someone involves allowing them to suffer.

Often the best way to love someone is from a distance.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Post-Production Peter




Thank you for the topic and a new word for me, didactic.

Samuel Martinez

Thanks I always love how very informative y’all are. Thanks Ryan. It’s gotten so bad that I didn’t even feel comfortable going to my Aunt’s funeral that was at a Kingdom Hall. Half of my Dad Sisters and Brothers are Witnesses and most of my cousins. That’s a whole other topic.