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The Minimalists discuss space hoarding, reification, the key to freedom, generosity, the problem with love songs, useful labels and titles, separation anxiety, and more.

Discussed in this episode:

Is my landlord a space hoarder if they won’t let me use their empty garage for storage? (1:39)

What’s one thing you’re unwilling to share? (21:40)

What are Thursday Konversations with T.K. Coleman? (39:54)

Listener insight: Using OCD as a superpower. (40:30)

How do I let go of a family member who is making my life unbearably difficult? (41:27)

Where do I start if I hate my life and, even though I’m married, I feel alone? (1:02:13)

Does the title of your podcast fully reflect what it’s about? (1:14:47)

Should I minimize my sick pet if I’m unable to take care of them? (1:21:04)

Is there anything you could buy at a mall that you’ll care about 10 years from now? (1:35:04)

Does this laundry advertisement suck? (1:48:18)

Will The Minimalists’ 30-Day Rule make your life easier? (1:47:07)


Added Value: “Ending Credits”

Article: Spring Cleaning: The Minimalist 30 Day Rule That's Making My Life Easier

Book: Emotional Clutter

Book: How to Turn 39

Book: The Four Agreements

Book: Why We Sleep

Film: Less is Now

Podcast: George Kamel

Podcast: The Dr. John Delony Show

Podcast: Restraint

Podcast: Savage Lovecast

Resource: The 30-Day Minimalism Game

Song: “So Sick of Love Songs”

Tour: The Everything Tour

Website: Shawn Mihalik


Simplicity is not the absence of stuff; it is the presence of absence.

Never share the things that compromise your capacity to share.

The key to freedom is a willingness to walk away.

If you are dissatisfied with the effect, let go of the cause.

Every hellscape contains an emergency exit.

Do unto others without asking them to do unto you.

Generosity is the great despair extinguisher.

To love someone is to see them for who they are without trying to change them.

Love is not an emotion, nor is it an action—it is a state of being.

Organizing is well-planned hoarding.

Sadness is the ego’s favorite food.

Do not confuse the label for the product.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Post-Production Peter



Hayley Mullins

Funny enough my favourite love song is The Pina Colada song … where he was “tired of his lady, like a worn out recording, of your favourite song” … answered to an ad in the paper to a woman looking for more … he turns up and it’s his wife 🤪🤣 … I never realised until you’ve highlighted to me now, that’s a love song to me because being with my husband for 22 years you have little glimpses of the old love coming through and it’s enough, coupled with just doing life together

Mirna Avila-Patton

Don’t knock it, till you try it! 😂🤣🤣