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The Minimalists talk about the three different kinds of letting go (graduation, divorce, death), several ways to detach from a former spouse, how to move on when you feel like you can’t let go, the right amount of financial support to give to an adult child, what to do if you were forced into minimalism during a tragedy, how to use minimalism if you have a terminal illness, and much more. Plus, they celebrate two employees who are graduating from The Minimalists!

Discussed in this episode:

How can I detach from my former spouse while actively coparenting and sharing familial responsibilities? (2:31)

How do I move on if I can’t let go of a thing, career, or relationship that used to add value to my life? (14:58)

What graduations are The Minimalists celebrating? (21:41)

How much financial support is okay to give my child post college to keep them safe? (1:00:13)

How do you know where to start and stop when rebuilding after losing everything? (1:07:01)

What does it mean to be “average”? (1:16:36)

What have Danny Unknwn and Professor Shawn enjoyed the most about working with The Minimalists? (1:29:00)


Added Value: Spectrum (Hushed)

Article: Regressing to the Mean All by Yourself

Podcast: Necessary Endings

Podcast: How to Love

Website: RyanNicodemus.com

Subscribe: TheMinimalists.email

Podcast: Breaking Free from Broke

Tour: TheMinimalists.com/Tour

Website: HowToWriteBetter.org

Website: TheCramped.com

Website: SimplifyEverything.xyz


Every relationship ends by way of graduation, divorce, or death.

Our identities are shaped by that which we cling to.

It’s easier to move on if you let go of the need to move on.

If you can’t let go, you can’t move on.

Letting go begins when you loosen your grip.

Graduation is a celebration of moving on—from a pleasant or unpleasant experience.

If you cling for long enough, it will eventually result in divorce or death.

If you are willing to let go of anything, you are free from its influence.

Sometimes you have to remove something from your life to see whether or not it adds value.

There are no shoulds; there are only infinite coulds

Every loss is a kind of death; every loss is a chance at rebirth.

Everyone wants to know where to start, but people rarely ask where to stop.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter



Paul Weymouth

Wow, I haven’t looked at the video in awhile, but Ryan is looking great. Good luck Danny and Shawn! Thanks for your effort at The Minimalists, you did great!

James Williams

*immediately runs to my barber and asks for the ‘2024 Nicodemus’ cut*

Lisa Rand

Ryan looks happy and great!

Callista Raven

Excited for all the changes. I am getting ready to spread my wings and get off social media. I would rather display my art on YouTube. Facebook and instagram have lost the fun for me as a tarot reader. I LOVE digital design and enjoyed this video so much. I love the new look Ryan.

The CuriouSenior

This was a very powerful episode for me! And not just for Ryan's haircut (had to capture a screen shot and send it to my daughter - another minimalist). I'm looking forward to continuing following The Minimalists and benefiting from the insights that come out in the podcasts.


I was actually planning to go down a tier to the audio right b4 the changes were announced. I’ve decided to stay at the same tier. I am really glad this particular episode was available in the video format. Looking forward to seeing what’s next with the minimalists! 💜


Now I can listen to the podcasts and declutter my house at the same time. I always felt obligated to watch the videos to get the most out of my Patreon membership. That took a lot of time out of my day....which I did enjoy, however.


your growth mindset will ensure your continued success, in whatever way you imagine it to be.


Nice haircut Ryan! It looks fantastic on you, very handsome👌

Margaret Herman

Great episode! Kudos to the entire team for continuing to reevaluate and evolve (hairstyles, careers, show format, social media use). Regarding the mother who asked how much to support her daughter financially, I have something to share. After some struggle, my husband and I came up with a five-year financial plan for our youngest son. We spelled everything out in writing so we were all on the same page and could plan accordingly. Each year, the financial support grows smaller. We live well within our means. This plan aligns with our values.


I started the audio version to get used to it - as I am one of the 10 percent who likes to watch the Video version (now and then, most of the time). well, until minute 51:15 - then I switched over here to see the new Ryan. I had a kind of changing haircut at the same time and felt that that was the inside change showing outwards and amplifying it at the same time. I wanted to keep that feeling, too. Ryan, you look like that inside change (wave) you are in for a while found a great form of expression to the outside world.

Leslie Travis

Yup, at about that 55 minute mark I had to come to the video to see Ryan’s hair. Looks great! Best of luck to the graduates!! I’ll miss them piping in on the podcast with great insights.

Mallory French

This would make a great listener insight, Margaret. Would you be willing to send this as a voicemail to podcast@theminimalists.com?


Love the haircut Ryan, it looks great! I also love T.K.'s beard!! Another great episode, good luck to everyone graduating The Minimalists & all the best on their new journey. 😌

Roger Kirby

Ryan looks like he came back from a multi million dollar deal to cut loose💰✂️. Love to keep up with Shawn’s pen and writing work✒️🌅🖋️.

Scha Scha

I never actually get to watch the video podcast because I usually listen while walking my dogs. But I had to rewind to hear something that TK was sharing, and then I came across this “guy with short hair”. I thought he was a guest speaker. Come to figure out it was Ryan. 😂 Nice hair cut Ryan. You rock either way but I’m glad you like your look. That’s all that matters. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Josh tear up. It was beautiful. that’s why I love this show. You’re real people and we get to see/hear/feel your reality. It was really nice to finally see Professor Shawn and Danny Unknown. You two have contributed so much to the show… but what I’m most grateful for is that you were able to make real friends that will last beyond your years of service with the Minimalists show. I’m also glad to hear that your post graduation is about what is dear to your heart and that you’re not just trying to return to the corporate world (not that there would be anything wrong with that). The message I got today- ‘Do you’. Let go of what no longer serves you. I’ve been trying to let go of a job that has provided no contentment or joy for a very long time…and I’m struggling to do so because it pays the bills. There is something that I am passionate about but I am terrified of failing and then not having the security of a 9-5 job. I need to let go of my fears of starting over. Thanks for today’s message.

Nancy S. Charney

When everyone was discussing the most memorable moments and what had the most impact on them was they all said Friendships. What came to mind for me was what is being missed by all the folks working remotely who’ve never had the opportunity to work in one location together. Some of my greatest friendships and lifelong advice came from working in an office with all different kinds of folks. You all make me smile.


T.K., Chapeau! for your mindset with vertical growth and your new beginning, looking liberating on new options, new doors, a kind of reset, which needs a good portion of self-reflection and flexibility, but also the energy to stay open and willing to see what the future provides for you. thank you for being so authentic, speaking about change and the way you felt when that was thrown at you. life is impermanence, we often forget that it is fragile and strong at the same time.


First things first. All the best to Danny and Shawn on their journey! I'm excited for TK and his new beginnings as well. He'll keep growing and help others grow without a doubt. I just love the way how you Josh, TK and Ryan, are so maturely finding your ways and reframing your challenges in a constructive and positive way while letting us in on your journeys and helping us to do the same! A happy podcast viewer, soon happy listener PS: Ryan — hot!

Yeman Al-Rawi

Boy... that closer. Phew. Love you guys and thankful for your work. Happy I got to shake hands and chat with both of you, Danny & Shawn. Excited for what lies ahead.


I’m going to miss your beautiful faces, but good job giving me a last look at your gorgeousness! That’s what I’ll remember until I see youse again!

Gloria Reynolds

Wonderful podcast, thank you for your vulnerability on this episode. I appreciate everything you all do. Congratulations and goodwill to both Shawn and Danny in their graduation to new adventures!

Barna Akkas

That ending when the logo flicked on was so powerful. That is how I found The Minimalists, which is audio-only. The simplicity in that was enough. I have let go of some very important things in my life. I will take a walk today in honor of this graduation. After 12 years of checking in and following through, I feel like I have graduated with you.


My third comment is for Professor Shawn and Danny Unknw. there are two quotes that came to mind: First Goethe from the "The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily" Scarcely had the Snake beheld this venerable form, than the King found utterance, and said, “How comest thou hither? Through the cleft in which the gold abides,” answered the Snake. What is nobler than gold?” asked the King. "Light,” replied the Snake. And what is more vivid than light?” continued the King. "Speech,” said the Snake. (although the translation of "Gespräch" to "speech" doesn't fit so well) and Jon Kabat-Zinn: "Wherever You Go, There You Are." you will always be you, wherever you are and wherever you go. the most important thing is to keep a deep connection to yourself, listen to your intuition, keep asking: who am I? why am I here? is this still where I want to be? what lies behind you and what lies in front of you are small matters compared to what dwells within you. I wish you godspeed and prosperous days!

Aspen Cordoba

Ryan’s hair looks amazing!


This was beautiful. Excited for whats to come!

José Pedro Sousa

It’s funny that I’ve been watching the videos instead of listening but I decided to comeback to audio a few episodes ago. Guess I was getting ready for this! ❤️