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"You're perfect for my needs---When I ask for cuddles,hugs and kisses---I'll  be expecting them from you..and ONLY YOU."

[Dom Mafia Boss x Listener][Mommy Pet Name][Strangers to Lovers][Menacing to Kinda Soft][Soft Rain and Fireplace Ambience]


One rainy day, you were on your way to work and the next thing you know..you suddenly got decked and find yourself being put in a car. Guess this means you just got kidnapped. You had no idea what's going to happen to you now, you can only hope that whoever is behind this is willing to show you a little mercy.

Script by: Brandon P.

Soundgasm [Full]

Youtube [Full]


-Seriously, struggling to do some deep voices---BUT I WILL DO MY BEST LOL..I really don't want to sound like a child sometimes when doing dominant roles

-Literally a small peck kiss, not sure it youtube will accept it as a whole or I will need to edit as usual. LOL (edit:surprisingly yt didn’t flag my kiss. Maybe cuz I actually said the MWAH out loud without soft moans) 🤣

-I  just re-applied for monetization again :c wish me luck!(Finally back to being monetized!)

-Editing spicy audio tomorrow ^~^

-Also...it's about to be weekend again...wth why is this year going so fast?! o-O I swear it was just New Year yesterday LOL

Project Updates:

1st(story telling done)

7th(sfw done)

12th(spicy done)

-Lastly, Have a good weekend guys! 🌷





Don't worry too much about your voice. If you ask me, being such a feared mob boss despite having "the voice of a child" really shows how much respect she truly deserves. ❤️

Ronan de Silva

You can be a scary crime boss that sounds like a child, like Hob from Robocop 2 :P