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I know this might sound like it's too much to ask, but I just want to make you guys smile and keep you guys updated! This channel has been demonitized until September. So I made a 2nd channel for me to post on while this will be down for a while. If you don't mind, here is the channel , please subscribe  


I don't mind starting small again, if it's for you guys . From now on, I will post there until September( depending how this main channel will go, will it go back to normal? Don't know)  I will post my next video on the new channel tomorrow! So everything will be non-profit for a while ( since this is kinda my main source of income, it kinda hurts, oh well..life, gotta be strong)  What to expect on the new channel? Some of my old videos that were flagged, I will edit them(make sure its youtube safe) and re-post them on the new channel so people can have access to it.   Thank you all for the positive words that helps me stand tall as always<3 




Sorry to hear YT is still being a pain. I've noticed a bunch of asmr channels going through the same thing. Glad we still have you here and hope the new channel works out until you get another chance.


Clearly someone at YouTube just doesn't recognize art. I'm sorry this has happened, but I look forward to the posts on your new channel. I hope the old one gets monetized again, but whatever happens, you've got us behind you. Good luck. 👍❤️

Rival Storm

Will always support you, Yubi in any way possible. It wouldn't be the same on YT without you

Cole Tobin

Yubi, if you would like, you can use my script to make a video that you can post on your second channel. I do this out of the kindness of my heart, and I ask for nothing in return. Good luck, Yubi. Everyone, let's show her the love and support that her ASMRs have shown us, since she deserves it.


Aaah youtube is seriously being a pain for asmr content creators lately. I’m sorry to hear that you have to go through that. I hope that at least the patreon will help you a little. And I hope that the new channel will go well too. Also it’s ok if you want to take a break, you deserve it. We are behind you Yubi. As always, stay safe and take care.

bill rodriguez

Oh nooo 🥺🥺🥺🥺 At least they told you why got demonetized? if I remember correctly you can send them a email and ask them to be more specific in order to make the necessary changes. (I had a YT channel back in 2019) Seriously considering to upgrade my membership for the next month 🍪🍪🍪🍪 keep going Yubi! 🥺


Yes, I am still in touch with them, because I feel like they’re not paying attention to what we say and just automatically be stuck with the decision YES YOU ARE DEMONITIZED PERIOD. So I’m asking support to check it again

bill rodriguez

That's a bad deal for small content creators! but really, force them to be very specific and try to apply for monetization in your 2nd YT channel asap, let's see what happens. sooner rather than later you'll get monetized again. You're doing great, we'll always be here to support you 🥺

Cole Tobin

I alone have more willpower than they do, so they'll be fighting a losing battle.

Couch Cowboy

Good luck Yubi! Side note, have you considered doing some character roleplays? You could probably do some Genshin stuff and get shuttled by the algorithm just from the names. You'd do a good Keqing, Sucrose, or Ayaka I bet. And those three are always popular.


I’ll check those 3 characters out! I just hope their fans won’t hate if my voice don’t match it😭

Couch Cowboy

Yeah, I'm just going based off of the pitch of your voice and some of your inflection. You'd still need an in-character script and probably have to study their voices a little bit if you want to actually imitate them properly, so it'd definitely take some work. 👍 I believe in you!! 😂