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-I know I haven’t posted pics in a long time, it’s because I was gathering them all so I can post all it one go!

-These photos are from my Mother’s Day(week) and Brother’s birthday!

-My mom has been addicted to swimming this week ,she would ask me everyday to swim at 9am or 9pm😴😴😴! She’s insane….but we did and I definitely got darker from all this swimming and walking out under the sun for long periods of time! It got me exhausted for days. We gifted my mom some yoga with GOATS 😂which she did enjoy! There were goats and alpacas 😂

- For my brothers birthday we booked a 2 hour unguided kayaking tour.  Me and my bro forced our dad to come with us since my mom didn’t want to go😂. He happily said yes ! We ended up doing it for 3 hours and a half. I think we got our moneys worth for sure!  So yes my shoulders are gonna kill me tomorrow.

-Thank God it wasn’t scorching hot and the water was so cold, it felt good just sprinkling or making it drip on my legs and arm! The view was so beautiful I just had to share it with you guys 🌷💖💖! At the end of our tour, a wild horse herd came out and drank some water. What a lovely sight ! I’ve seen wild horses when driving in freeways but never this close. 😍😍 I hope you guys enjoyed my little photo seshhh and I hope you all had a fun week just like I did!

-Lastly, today I baked some Revel Bars for my sister because she’s been craving it so much for months now.  Btw , I woke up with my shoulders sore . Yep .. thanks to 3 hours of kayaking yesterday.

-Now I can have a long rest !  ❤️❤️💋Love you guys!




The pov picture with the goat is canonical Yubi height


This just made me hunger ugghhh hahaha

darren mcwhinnie

That's some good looking food great that you had a fun time

Couch Cowboy

Same rofl. I feel like I'm hankering to wander into the kitchen now and munch on some snacks.

Couch Cowboy

Making me hella envious. What I wouldn't give for a relaxing summer vacation right about now.


Looks like you both had an amazing time. I hope she's doing well. ❤️


Yea kayaking will kill your arms the next day used to do it for a few weeks when we moved into our new home (lakeside)

Cole Tobin

Could be worse. I accidentally flipped over my 500 pound ATV when I misjudged the depth of a pool of water on a trail. I got off and was waste deep in the muddy water. I had to flip it back over and push it out of the miniature pool and then I had to get towed by my dad's ATV, which tears up the dirt and mud, so I was a mud statue by the time I got back to the parking lot. My brother who went with us and my dad only brought a spare shirt, but I always, *always* brought almost an entire extra set of clothes. Socks, jeans, and a shirt. Thanks to the extra layers, the first one didn't get wet, so I was able to come out of there without having wet underwear. And my dad and brother said that I would never need all those clothes. I managed to prove them wrong, but not in a way I would have wanted.


Omg that sounds stressful😭I hope you guys were able to use the ATV for a long time before accidentally flipping it over

Cole Tobin

Yes. Both before and afterwards. I then learned to never trust any puddles and let my dad drive through them first, even if I could've gone through them just fine.