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Since tomorrow is Mother’s Day we decided to start our mother‘s “week” , we went to Korean bbq , ordered some yummy bobas(I got taro and it was delish!), bought some cake , cookies that spelled mom and flowers!

Took photos of the water fountain! So cute cuz there were bunch of kids and mommies trying to cool themselves under this hot weather! I was gonna go but , I noticed most of them were wearing bathing suits lol

went to barns and noble and found thse Harry Potter wands( I’m not a fan of Harry himself but Snape is my ultimate favorite . )The wand was too pricey and I have no idea what I’ll do with it once I purchase it lol 🥲so I skipped it! Saw a bunch of fun puzzles and honestly didn’t know Barnes and noble had a big toy section, or maybe it was just this branch! But I enjoyed seeing all cute Funko Pop toys too I almost got myself a few jeez…(I wanted the Goku with the pink hair version funko pop keychain).😳I need to stay away from toys!

I also baked cinnamon rolls for todays event 💖💖💖 and also decided to try on the kimono robe I got from Throne! 💖💖💖love it! Thank you so much to you know who you are 🥹!


I know I’ve said this million times but once again, thank you all! because of patreon and YouTube, I am able to do something special for my family 💖💖🌷big thank you to all of you!




Going to Barnes and noble truly is an addiction for me. I go in wanting 1 thing and walk out with 5 things


Omg I feel you! Tbh I haven’t been to Barnes and nobles in years but today I was surprised to see bunch of toys section! 😳😳😳there was a lot of things I wanted to get! Esp the board games + puzzle games 🥹🥹🥹was a truly fun store to walk into!

Couch Cowboy

Thanks Yubi, I'll make sure to tell my mom you told her Happy Mother's Day. 😂❤️

darren mcwhinnie

Glad you had fun Yubi and happy mother's day


Sounds like you both had an amazing time. Very great pictures too. I didn't know Barnes and Noble had so much, either. I'm glad we were able to help you celebrate. Also, that kimono looks amazing on you. I hope you two have a very happy Mother's Week. 💐❤️🌷

Yubi_VA (edited)

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2023-05-26 18:22:02 Thank you dan! I hope you have a great and fantastic day today with your mommy<3!
2023-05-14 21:33:11 Thank you dan! I hope you have a great and fantastic day today with your mommy<3!

Thank you dan! I hope you have a great and fantastic day today with your mommy<3!


Lol ehhhhhhhhhhh why u laugh haaaaaaaaaa T^T greet mommy for me! Hope you Enjoy your day with her cowboy ^_^!

Yubi_VA (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-26 18:22:02 Happy mothers day to your mommy darren! And thank you aswell&lt;3333
2023-05-14 21:34:12 Happy mothers day to your mommy darren! And thank you aswell<3333

Happy mothers day to your mommy darren! And thank you aswell<3333