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Two projects for tomorrow + some patron stuff ^^,!

 I forgot to upload Patron video cuz my sister got engaged today so we were busy with that 🥸 !

 i’ll upload it guys later in the  morning ❤️❤️❤️




Wow congrats to your sister ! That's super cool. Irl always come first. :)


That's wonderful news! I wish your sister and her partner the very best. 🥂❤️ As for the art, "You should tie me up more often." Well, I'm immediately intrigued.


Oh wow, congrats to your sister!

Cole Tobin

I absolutely refuse to go to weddings because I've only been to one, and that relationship did not end well. When my family and I went to the next wedding, I got sick. The next time I planned to go to another wedding, I crashed my car. I took that as a sign that any time I go to a social event, something bad will happen.


Aw that’s so unlucky of u again ;( I hope u weren’t hurt Cole!

Cole Tobin

Don't worry. That was over a year ago and I still have that car. It is, admittedly, my second car when I rear-ended a pickup truck a few years ago. This one, however, is built like a tank.