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Hello guys how are you?

well, me I’m just very busy with work and YouTube.

my pain is on and off as usual. So right now, I’m okay.

For years, I wanted to learn new skills and one of them is microblading(doing eyebrows lol)..after that I want to focus on honing that skill , so I can make a future out of it. Besides my other side jobs. 

so! I will enroll for an online class(this class is flexible, videos are there ready for me to watch) 

i wanted to do live but I i double checked. Not much difference besides the live teacher. Rest is the same . Price is 1,500$. It’s ok, sure is cheaper compared to the live one lol. This is an investment to myself.  (I mentioned this to show that, all i Make here goes to my groceries, food, health care any extras go to class)

im currently looking for a script to do. Was supposed to record yesterday but seriously hard to find unique scripts. I don’t want to do repetitive plots as much as possible too :/ (still looking)

So class + side jobs + YouTube stuff.

how about you? What’s keeping you busy?




hey yubi ive just been busy planning my trip to japan :D i an so excited to go back after so long and see some of my family :)


That sounds so fun! I’ve always wanted to go to Japan 😭😭🤧

Nox Nemesis

Undergoing some issues due to sleep problems, but managing. You make sure you are taking care of yourself lil Yubi. You can always ask if you need any help.