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"I kept my promise didn't I?---I love you too much---I'll never do that to you again"


Your Vampire Wife sees you groaning and struggling in bed. As she wakes you up, you told her about your nightmare. Unfortunately, it started ever since she first bit you. And you've been reliving that moment in your dream over and over, thinking it could get worse. Especially because she's done it before. She promised to never get bloody thirsty, and she has kept that promise......right? Now she tries to aid you back to sleep while stopping her temptation to drink your blood once again.

Script by: Mav

Ambience : Soft Breeze and Quiet Room

Soundgasm Here

Here is the reference photo of a Vampire Wife who can't control herself....SOMETIMES


-I know it's been a long time since I last did a vampire audio so here it is!

-I'm not really good with hypnosis lol, especially with my voice. I don't think it's perfect for it but I just gave it another shot since it's part of the script.

-I need to practice talking really slower next time.



Bandanaman 5

What a beautiful day for an amazing asmr and voice of yours to listen 🗿🔥


I love vampire audios, and this is one of your best audios period. It's so sweet and moving, I was actually tearing up. I love the tenderness in your voice. It's so touching yet tragic how hard she's trying to ignore her instincts for the human she married. It's true love, and it's incredible. Fantastic job.🩸❤️