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This is "STAR WARS EP 1 UNCUT" by Colette on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Blue saber = Guardian, they are more combat focused and are the warriors of the Jedi. Green saber = Counselor, they are more intuned with the Force than Guardians, they are usually not as focused on combat, but are better with using the Force for Force technique than Guardians. Counselor Jedi focus more on peace and negotiation over combat. It is typical to see veteran Jedi wield Green sabers. Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and Yoda are well known masters of the Green Saber as they are more intuned with the Force. Purple saber: You won't see this till Ep 2 or 3, but those who have Purple, generally are able to wield both Light and Dark side of the Force. They're not afraid to use powers that are 'exclusive' to the Dark Jedi. There's no guarantee you will get a purple saber just because you can use Light and Dark however. Yellow saber = Sentinel, they are a little hard to define but they are basically the Sweepers. They do some of the 'dirty' work you could say, they're sometimes seen as 'purists' in a sense. There are other colors but they exist far and few between. White saber: Those who wield white sabers are the most pure and the most intuned with the Force than green saber Counselor Jedi. Notable Jedi include Ahsoka, a student of Anakin Skywalker. You see in the Clone Wars series. Orange: Similar to Sentinel I believe Silver: Not much is known Black/Dark Saber: Wielded by Mandalore, the progenitor/patriarch/founding member of Mandalorians. Its properties is roughly the same as any other saber. Red Saber: Red sabers contain the negative emotions of the Dark Jedi, particularly anger and hate. Red Sabers are actually more powerful than their Good Jedi counterparts. In general, it takes time to 'forge' or nurture the saber crystals, and there are very specific crystal types for the Good Jedi and for Red crystals. Luke Skywalker is well known for spending many days, in meditation to fill the crystal with his 'life force' so to speak. There is no other way to nurture the crystals. The color of the crystal reflects the Jedi's mind/heart and their closeness with the Force. They are very much a 'mirror' of the heart of the Jedi. Sabers to 'some' extent, are a bit like wands in Harry Potter in which they can reject or 'accept' a master, sadly I'm not too savvy on the extent of the mechanics, so take it with a grain of salt.


I'm typing these posts based on my memory , I am not an expert in Star Wars but this is to the best of what I remember and have read. Force Jump, Force Run/Dash, can be seen in Ep 1. When the rolly-polly droids with barriers attacked our first two Jedi at the beginning, the two 'dashed', which is a Force technique. Force Jump is using the Force to jump great height. Force Heal: The level of healing is pretty advanced, but it depends solely on the skill and concentration of the Force user. Force Push/Pull: Using the force to push/pull enemies, a bit like air-bending from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Depending on the level of skill and mastery of the Force, one can lift/push/pull extremely heavy objects. How careful and dexterous the user is, is debatable and based on their skill/experience. Force Choke: Darth Vader is well known for this. Another Jedi in the Mandalorian tv show uses the same or similar technique to crush an enemy droid as if it was crushed in a vacuum. Force Telepathy: Although we call it telepathy, it allows two Force users to 'read' or 'feel' each other's thoughts and memories, but it does not completely or clearly 'see' or feel the thoughts, only some of it. Force lightning: This is "usually" a skill exclusive to Dark Force users. Blue or purple lightning can come out from your hands in the form of high plasma energy due to one's connection to the Dark/Force. Force Mind/bending/Brainwash: I probably butchered the name of this technique but basically one can use the Force to influence another person's mind, particularly if they have a 'weak will/power'. You can make them say things you want them to say or even behave according to your will (to some limited extent). example: "these are not the droids you're looking for". These are some of the most well known Force techniques. I'm not sure about the 'holding breath' part but you are correct that they were holding their breath at the start of the movie. I forgot to mention that some level of "Clairvoyance" , or having visions of things that have happened in the current or in the near future, is also possible for those who have high affinity with the Force.


You prob heard of Jabba the Hutt, the Hutts are called 'gangsters' by that one guy but they're more like a Mafia family controlling the area. Throughout this movie, they sneakily play the Luke skywalker theme all over the place, and with the siths, they play Vader's theme in the background. I don't know if you heard it at the very end of the credits, but vader's theme and his breathing can be heard, though I don't know if this is present during different release/versions of this movie, but I heard it on TV


Yay prequel time! Thanks for taking the time to check these out :)


wait a second...this isnt naruto! whats going on here?!


jabba was always as he appears in episode 6. what they added was in episode 4 they had shot a scene with jabba and han that you saw and at that time jabba was just a human. that scene got cut from a new hope..but years later in what i can only imagine was some kind of drug induced delusion, george lucas thought it would be a good idea to go back and add that scene but REPLACE the original human with the slug creature that he eventually became in episode 6. even though it makes no sense with how the character actually turned out..jabba is not the kind of dude to meet up with han and beg for his money. they also had to awkwardly animate harrison ford because at one point he walks behind jabba..but since jabba is a big fat worm he would have been walking on his tail..which would be instant death from the jabba we came to know. watch that scene again on youtube 'ep 4 jabba scene'. its horrible. you have to basically pirate the movies to watch them in their original form. since george pretty much killed all other versions when they made those changes. if you look around for 'despecialized edition' youll probably be able to find it. its basically a cut put together by a fan to restore all footage but still clean it up to a better than vhs standard. also natalie portman is tiny, shes like 5'3".

bobby hill

The true origin of the purple lightsaber is a actor asked George lucas what color lightsabers jedi have George said jedi have blue or green lights lightsabers then the actor asked why he can't have a purple lightsaber then George said you might get purple


Yeah, that's a famous story. Though I'm sure despite what lore it has in the Star Wars universe, we can safely say its purple cuz its the Sam L Jackson color XD Star Wars on products and food products was the bomb. Like...gogurt. Frozen or unfrozen, can pretend its a lightsaber.


no wonder....was wondering why she looked at child's height o_O I had no idea


Jaina Solo had a purple lightsaber in the 1996 book Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers. Sam Jackson did not create them.

Michael Weiner

I still have VHS tapes of the original Star Wars movies, without the changes.