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Where is the video lol It's gone

Chris Boxall

I think that Tsunade and her fear of blood stems from the trauma of losing Dan when she was trying to heal his mortal wound. She had his blood on her hands and sees his death as her inability to save him. Thus how she looks powerless after being covered in Kabotos’ blood. That’s my take on it anyway!


ohh a new format, highlighting the episode more, cool :) I am fine either way since I know all the eps by memory :D shame for Tsunade that Kabuto is also a medical specialist, that ruined her plan :P she showed herself in good colors here, realizing that Orochimaru cannot be trusted and she cant be so selfish and blind, she put the dreams of those she loved ahead of her selfish desires :) good character development for her :) this is the perfect time to be fighting Orochimaru since he doesnt have his arms :D Naruto as per usual with the disrespect, he doesnt care xD Tonton is the best pig :D we saw Kiba use Food Pills against Naruto in the Chunin exams :) Kabuto is pretty good himself, no wonder Orochimaru keeps him close :) perfect counter by Tsunade, love how she messed him up :D unfortunately though he is a genius himself :P the cavalry arrived at the perfect time :) poor Naruto is just confused :D well as she said she aint a specialist anymore, after Dan it all went downhill :P Kabuto is really good at shit talking :D he is still a better combatant than Naruto thats true :) technically Naruto is the lowest rank there but this is a good opportunity to learn with so many top class ninja around :D Kabuto is really skilled, that headband block was dope, he cant be underestimated :) cant leave out the pig ofc Tonton is amazing xD its finally going down, this is exciting, cant wait to go through it with you :)


i actually only had this backup recording and had to do this format, thankfully i had this backup bc i was recording live on twitch! thanks for always commenting i always look forward to them!


aah gotcha :D well either way is fine so no worries :) and hopefully I will manage to catch your stream next time :P thank YOU for giving me something to look forward to! :)