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oh yay its early Christmas, we got more! :D finally we are getting some backstory on Sasuke, took only 80 eps :P their symbol does look like a pokeball xD poor Sasuke just wanted his older brother :P looks like Itachi really was a top level prodigy :) its rough living in somebody's shadow, luckily there were people around Sasuke encouraging him :) Itachi trying to imitate Batman xD now its very understandable why Sasuke is the way he is, imagine going through that as a child, witnessing that, he is only around 7 here :P Itachi was completely savage there, he didnt hold back, completely ruined Sasuke's life in an instant, he makes for a very good antagonist :D now the brothers are finally reunited, what a hype moment, been slowly building up to this for so long :) Itachi wasnt phased whatsoever, he made quick work of Sasuke xD our poor little dudes got no chance here :P thank god Jiraiya made it in time, he made an epic entrance :D man doesnt lack confidence and self-esteem xD great reaction girl, appreciate you :)

Jason Holt

So if you didn't realize it, Itachi sent that woman. Remember Itachi was talking about how everyone has a weakness. He sent the woman to get Jiraiya away from Naruto.