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Ozymandias “Oz” Baum: 

Age: 25
Race: Human

Class: Sorcerer

Sexuality: Pansexual 

The Royal Court Magician for the Kingdom of Cordoran and one of the Seven Sages of Eros, the highest title given to any mage in the world. A trickster mage with a list of sexual kinks that even most monsters cannot rival, Oz  holds nothing back and is fully ready to embrace any new experience with glee. A gifted sorcerer, he constantly wants to study new magic and facts, and is always ready to indulge in what he loves most, even if it's not exactly legal or seen as traditionally safe. Oz has secrets he hides even from his closest friends, but at his heart he's extremely loyal to his prince. Behind his carefree attitude and seductive smiles lies a cunning, shrewd and unpredictable man well versed in controlling those around him. He is an extremely intelligent man, not only a genius at all things magic, but in both political and economic matters as well. A complex man, he remains somewhat of a pacifist in his ways, desiring a less violent approach to matters, only resorting for it when there is no other way. 



João Lacerda

I'm digging those redesings