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Monday Morning Coffee Talk... LIVE ?!?!?!?!


Georgia Delis

Hello... So, I am listening to you while I am at work. You are definitely my shot of caffeine for the morning. Much appreciated. Big Hugs from Georgia... the HR Goddess.

Nickie Tackett

Go figure the one morning I decide to lay back down after taking my daughter to the bus stop I miss the live 😩 Oh well maybe Thursday like you said. There's also Wednesdays so it's all good. You mentioned where you got your daughter's name and it made me think about the fact that we named our daughter after a reaper in Supernatural 😅 Can't wait to explain that one someday 🤣 As always thanks for answering my questions and I hope you have a great week. The sledding stories took me back to my childhood. My hometown was split by a big hill that was great for sledding. You're not kidding about the workout though. We used to get sweaty under our snow suits from running up and down that hill all day. Great memories though.