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Amidst the torrential rains of the Stephen King-esque Northern New England woods,

I shout with a joyous tone a well deserved “ Happy Holidays!” And “ Glorious Celebration of a Jolly Omega Level Mutant Invading your personal space in an effort for you to receive the material items you desire!”

As many of you are aware, I have taken to the woods in an effort to commune with my Squirrel Brethren and Sisteren in the hopes that I may maintain the peace between mortal men and RataToskr. True, I was unaware that I needed to leave my clothes behind and dawn a giant squirrel onesie in an effort to humble myself before the Squirrel God of the World Tree, but seriously am trying to avoid him unleashing his champions upon the world to extract retribution.

Superpowered Hive Mind Squirrels with a taste for blood. Sure it sounds cute. “ Awww look at all the bushy tailed little bitties with their custom costumes that fit their personality and hint at their powers while still showing they are part of the collective.” NOPE. 80 swarm you and next thing you know your bleached bones and a brain in the skull and you are forced to join their reanimated skeleton war accordion band. You shall march undead forever just playing accordion …. Yeah. Not so cute now is it ?


Where was I ???

Oh! Break! Yeah!

So Forge Festivus isn’t over yet, and I plan on depositing some presents within the library before it’s over, but I needed to take some time and reflect.

Every so often it’s good to take inventory and consider whether or not you are being true to yourself or merely operating in a fashion that serves a middling need to keep what you think is a schedule for fear of losing the audience.

I respect you all too much not to give you the very best of me.

Unfortunately that means putting down the pen for a couple days and clearing my head every so often.

I thank you for understanding that.

Now all is to say I shall be back on the 2nd with stories, sensualities , silliness, and stillness.

I sure do have some wonders in mind.

Hope you shall stick around for the ride.





I’d be surprised if you had posted and hadn’t spent time with those whom you hold close to your heart, dearest Bear. Hoping your holidays are all you imagine them to be. See you next year!❤️🤗


Enjoy your time off. Lots of love to everyone in the Forge Fam. MERRY FESTIVUS!